Acronis Cyber Protect
formerly Acronis Cyber Backup

Hotels and other companies in the hospitality industry collect, store and manage loads of data that must be protected — for both the company's and the customer's sake. But many companies in the $593 billion hospitality industry emphasize customer service before considering IT's role in the business. The consequences from data loss, however, can be far more damaging than a bad review.

“Businesses in hospitality, with their millions of customers and infinite amounts of private data, are not immune to data loss, but they can prepare themselves for the ‘big one’ by investing in a complete and cohesive disaster recovery solution that ensures that lost data won’t result in lost reputations,” writes Les Spielman, president of Hospitality Automation Consultants, on Hospitality Net.

3 Data Challenges in Hospitality

For hospitality companies, data protection means more than just internal corporate data. They must consider the sensitive customer and financial data, too. The hospitality industry typically faces three big data challenges, according to Spielman:

  1. Growth. The amount of data is continually increasing every second, and in hospitality, that information needs to be accessible at various touch points for employees.
  2. Storage. More data means secure storage is vital, in both on-site and off-site locations.
  3. Backup. Once it’s stored, the data needs to be backed up on a regular basis. One strategy is the “3-2-1 rule,” which refers to three copies of every piece of data in two different formats with one kept off site.

How to Overcome The Challenges

To address these, Spielman recommends that companies look for a data solution that provides these three aspects:

  • Image backup capabilities
  • Device management with data migration support to restore a system
  • Encryption that abides by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and that has unique personal keys

While new technologies have enhanced data protection processes in the hospitality industry, they have also opened new holes for data to be compromised or lost if not properly protected. Investing in an advanced data protection and recovery solution isn’t an option for the hospitality industry, it’s a requirement, says Spielman.

q/h: Hospitality Net

[Image via Can Stock Photo]

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.