2005년 10월 10일

Acronis True Image Enterprise Server extends disaster recovery capabilities using Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2

SOUTH San Francisco, October 10, 2005 — Acronis, Inc. (www.acronis.com), the technological leader in storage management software, announced that Acronis True Image Enterprise Server extends Microsoft's current and future virtualization technologies, including Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2, and can provide full disaster recovery for both physical and virtual servers.

"As system virtualization becomes mainstream, IT managers will find a greater need for disk imaging for disaster recovery and systems deployment," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "Acronis True Image Enterprise Server today provides the disaster recovery and bare-metal restore requirements for both the physical server and the virtual servers residing on it."

"Combining Acronis' real-time disk imaging and backup capabilities with Microsoft's virtualization technologies, and royalty-free Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) license, provides a powerful value proposition for enterprise and hosting customers," he said. "Server virtualization is the enabling technology for tomorrow's dynamic data centers, but without comprehensive tools like those offered by Microsoft, enterprises will struggle to fully realize the benefits of the dynamic data centers."

"Enterprises will be able to provision new physical servers instantaneously using Acronis' award-winning disk imaging solution on systems running Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2," said Stephen Lawton, Acronis director of marketing. "Once deployed, the new servers can be partitioned into virtual servers to help better utilize a customer's server investment."

"Recent events along the Gulf Coast and power outages in Los Angeles have brought to the fore the need for companies large and small to have disaster recovery strategies," he continued. "As virtual servers are introduced into more networks, IT managers need a disaster recovery plan that addresses both physical and virtual systems."

"Acronis True Image Enterprise Server helps extend Virtual Server 2005 R2 capabilities to aid customers in developing powerful disaster recovery strategies" said Zane Adam, director of marketing, Windows Server Division, Microsoft Corp. "The work Microsoft is doing to enable the partner ecosystem with virtualization technologies demonstrates our openness so that partners can add value on top of the Windows platform."

Acronis True Image Enterprise Server is currently being shipped. It carries a suggested list price of $999; volume discounts are available. For additional information, visit www.acronis.com/enterprise/products/ATIESWin/.

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홍보 연락처:
Katya Turtseva
커뮤니케이션 VP