June 08, 2007

Acronis Discusses Virtualization on 'Let's Talk Computers' on June 9

Weekly Online Radio Show Broadcasts Interview with VP Marketing Ed Harnish This Saturday

June 8, 2007, Singapore - Acronis (www.acronis.com/zh-tw/), leading developer of storage management software, announced today that an interview with Ed Harnish, vice president of marketing, will appear this weekend on Let's Talk Computers, a weekly online radio program devoted to all things computer-related.

Interviewed at Microsoft's Tech.Ed conference this week, Harnish speaks to host Alan Ashendorf on the topic of virtualization - what it is, why it's important and what to keep in mind when implementing virtualization in the datacenter. One of those considerations is backup and recovery, both physical and virtual.

"Companies using virtualization to consolidate their datacenters, increase ease of management and reduce their carbon footprint, will often have a combination of physical and virtual servers," said Harnish. "Because of this, administrators must consider ways to keep their data on both safe and able to be easily and quickly recovered."

The interview is available online and the transcript is available here. The show is also broadcast on local radio stations in Texas, New Mexico, Indiana, Tennessee and Kentucky, www.lets-talk-computers.com/radio/.

About Let's Talk Computers

Let's Talk Computers ranks as one of the longest running radio computer talk shows, distributing up-to-the minute computer information since 1989. Produced in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, at present, it is broadcast via radio in 7 states: Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Texas and New Mexico and on the world wide web via the Internet.

Hosts Alan Ashendorf and Sandra Ashendorf interview representatives from the computer industry about products and industry trends. Guests have included representatives from Adobe, Microsoft, Novell, IBM, Lotus, "PC World", Seagate, Citrix, Compuserve, Computer Associates, Corel, Symantec, "MarketWire", Ziff-Davis and a host of other companies. Our goal is to let you know what is happening in the computer industry. More information is available at www.lets-talk-computers.com.

关于安克诺斯 (Acronis):
Acronis融合資料保護和資訊安全 ,提供整合的自動化資安防護,可解決現代數位世界所面臨的安全、易用性、隱私、真實性和安全性 (SAPAS) 挑戰。Acronis 的靈活部署模型符合服務供應商與 IT 專業人員的需求,藉由創新的新世代防毒、備份 、災難復原以及 AI 提供的端點防護管理解決方案,為資料、應用程式和系統提供優質的網路防護。依靠先進的機器智慧和區塊鏈型資料驗證技術提供支援的進階防惡意軟體,Acronis 可在任何環境 (從雲端、混合到地端部署) 提供防護,且經濟實惠。

Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,創立於新加坡。Acronis 擁有二十年的創新經驗,在 45 個據點擁有超過 1,800+ 名員工。Acronis Cyber Protect 解決方案的服務範圍遍及全球超過 150 個國家/地區,支援 26 種語言,由 20,000+ 個服務供應商使用,以保護超過 750,000 家企業。
Katya Turtseva