DeviceLock Consoles and Tools : DeviceLock Enterprise Manager
DeviceLock Enterprise Manager
With DeviceLock Enterprise Manager, you can view and change security policies defined for device types and protocols; install, update and uninstall DeviceLock Service; and view audit and shadow logs for all the computers in a large network. We recommend using DeviceLock Enterprise Manager if you have a large network without Active Directory.
Based on a multi-threaded engine, using this console speeds up all activity for all the computers in the large network.
DeviceLock Enterprise Manager stores, compares and filters the data it receives from all the computers. Administrators can make “snapshots” of the systems for future comparison and notation of changes.
DeviceLock Enterprise Manager has a flexible plug-in based architecture that allows you to plug in necessary modules on demand. Each module (plug-in) performs a task and displays retrieved information in its own window.
For information on how to install DeviceLock Enterprise Manager, see Installing Management Consoles earlier in this manual.
To open DeviceLock Enterprise Manager, find and select that app on the Windows start page: