Protocols (Regular Profile) : Managing Audit, Shadowing and Alerts for Protocols : Audit and Shadowing Rights : Career Search
Career Search
Audit and shadowing rights applicable to the Career Search protocol:
Audit: Connection - Enables the auditing of user attempts to connect to a job search site.
The Connection action, the IP address along with the port number and the name of the webhost, and the name of the protocol are written to the log. If the IP address cannot be resolved to a webhost name, the name is not written to the log.
Audit: Search - Enables the auditing of user attempts to submit a search request for vacancies on a job search site.
The Search action, the name of the job search service along with the search string entered by the user, the IP address with the port number and the name of the webhost, and the name of the protocol are written to the log.
Audit: Outgoing Messages - Enables the auditing of user attempts to send messages and to submit résumé and other web-form data on a job search site.
The Outgoing Message action and information to identify the sent content (<site_name>: <content_name>) are written to the log. Recipient IDs are only written to the log upon user attempts to send messages.
Audit: Outgoing Files - Enables the auditing of user attempts to upload a file to a job search site.
The Outgoing File action and information to identify the uploaded file (<site_name>: <file_name>) are written to the log.
Shadowing: Search - Enables the shadow copying of the vacancy search requests entered by the user on job search sites.
A shadow copy of each search request is written to the log.
Shadowing: Outgoing Messages - Enables the shadow copying of messages sent as well as résumé and other web-form data submitted to job search sites.
Shadow copies of sent messages, submitted résumé and other web-form data are written to the log.
Shadowing: Outgoing Files - Enables the shadow copying of files uploaded to job search sites.
Shadow copies of uploaded files are written to the log.