DeviceLock Reports : Report Categories and Types : User Dossiers : User Card : Reporting period selector
Reporting period selector
The card displays statistics on user actions for the selected reporting period. The date range of the reporting period determines the dates of events to include in the statistics. User action statistics are based on the log data on events that occurred in the reporting period.
The selector of the reporting period is at the top of the statistics display area. One can select a predefined date range or use a custom range. The following predefined date ranges are available:
Today - The current date.
Yesterday - The date preceding the current date.
Last week - The date range from the first to the last day of the previous calendar week.
Last month - The date range from the first to the last day of the previous calendar month.
Last 7 days - The date range spans 7 days preceding the current date.
Last 30 days - The date range spans 30 days preceding the current date.
Using custom date range, one can select:
A single date - Click the desired date to select.
A continuous range of dates - Click the start date and then click the end date of the desired date range.
All days of a certain month - Click the name of the month at the top of the selector.
Having selected the desired date range, click OK to apply your changes to the reporting period.
To quickly switch the reporting period, use the commands next to the date range selector. Click Backward or Forward to move the reporting period back or forward in time. For example, if you select a range of one week, these commands move the reporting period back one week or one week forward, respectively.