Endpoint Scanning : Tasks : Task and Its Reports
Task and Its Reports
The console displays discovery tasks in the console tree under DeviceLock Content Security Server > Discovery Server > Tasks.
The shortcut menu on a discovery task in the console tree includes the same commands as the task’s shortcut menu in the details pane (for description of commands, see Tasks Node earlier in this document).
When you select a discovery task in the console tree, the details pane lists the reports produced by that task. The list in the details pane displays the following information on each report:
Name - Report name. By default, includes the task name followed by the date and time of the task run.
Type - One of the following:
Scheduled - Report generated automatically upon task completion.
Manual - Report generated by hand, using the Generate New Report command.
Status - One of the following:
Generating - Report creation is in progress.
Ready - Report created successfully.
Error - Report encountered an error.
Objects Found - The number of objects discovered by the task.
Warnings - The number of warnings issued by the task.
Errors - The number of scanning errors the task encountered.
Started - Date and time that the report creation started.
Finished - Date and time that the report creation was completed.
Scheduled by - Identifies the user account that started the task (in case of report type of Scheduled) or generated the report (in case of report type of Manual).
Scheduled from - Identifies the computer from which the task was started (in case of report type of Scheduled) or the report was generated (in case of report type of Manual).
The shortcut menu on a report in the details pane includes the following commands:
Open - Displays the report in the details pane. This command is available for reports with the status of Ready (green icon).
Another way to open a task’s report is by selecting the report under the node representing that task in the console tree.
Show error - Displays error information about the report. This command is available for reports with the status of Error (red icon).
Rename - Changes the name of the selected report. You can specify a new name in the dialog box displayed by this command.
Delete Report - Deletes the selected report.
You can delete multiple reports at a time: Click while holding down Shift or Ctrl to select reports, right-click the selection, and then click Delete Reports.
Generate New Report - Appears on the menu when you select multiple reports. Generates a single aggregated report by using information available in all selected reports.
Refresh - Updates the list of reports with the latest information.