Management server

While creating bootable media, you have an option to pre-configure the media registration on the management server.

Registering the media enables you to manage the media via the Cyber Protect web console as if it was a registered machine. Besides the convenience of remote access, this grants an administrator the capability to trace all operations performed under bootable media. The operations are logged in Activities, so it is possible to see who and when started an operation.

If the registration was not pre-configured, it is still possible to register the media after booting the machine from it.

To pre-configure registration on the management server

  1. Select the Register media on the management server check box.
  2. In Server name or IP, specify the host name or IP address of the machine where the management server is installed. You can use one of the following formats:

    • http://<server>. For example, or http://server1
    • <IP address>. For example,
    • <host name>. For example, server1 or
  3. In Port, specify the port that will be used to access the management server. The default value is 9877.
  4. In Display name, specify the name that will be displayed for this machine in the Cyber Protect web console. If you leave this field empty, the display name will be set to one of the following:

    • If the machine was previously registered on the management server, it will have the same name.
    • Otherwise, either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the machine will be used.
  5. Select which account will be used to register the media on the management server. The following options are available:

    • Ask for user name and password at booting up

      The credentials will have to be provided every time a machine is booted from the media.

      For successful registration, the account must be in the list of the management server administrators (Settings > Accounts). In the Cyber Protect web console, the media will be available under the organization or under a specific unit, according to the permissions given to the specified account.

      In the bootable media interface, it will be possible to change the user name and password by clicking Tools > Register media on the management server.

    • Register under the following account

      The machine will be registered automatically every time it is booted from the media.

      The account you specify must be in the list of the management server administrators (Settings > Accounts). In the Cyber Protect web console, the media will be available under the organization or under a specific unit, according to the permissions given to the specified account.

      In the bootable media interface, it will not be possible to change the registration parameters.