Downloading protection agents

Before you install an agent, you must download its installation file from the Cyber Protect console.

To download an agent while adding a workload to protect

  1. In the Cyber Protect console, navigate to Devices > All devices.
  2. In the upper right, click Add device.
  3. In the Add devices panel, from the Release channel drop-down menu, select an agent version.

    • Previous release - download the agent version from the previous release.
    • Current - download the latest available agent version.
  4. Select the agent that corresponds to the operating system of the workload that you are adding.

    The Save As dialog opens.

  5. [Only for Macs with Apple silicon (such as Apple M1) processors] Click Cancel. In the Add Mac panel that opens, click the Download ARM installer link.
  6. Select a location to save the agent installation file and click Save.

To download an agent for later use

  1. In the upper right corner of the Cyber Protect console, click the User icon.
  2. Click Downloads.
  3. In the Downloads dialog, from the Release channel drop-down menu, select an agent version.

    • Previous release - download the agent version from the previous release.
    • Current - download the latest available agent version.
  4. Scroll the list of available installers to locate the agent installer that you need and click the download icon at the end of its row.

    The Save As dialog opens.

  5. Select a location to save the agent installation file and click Save.