Digital Fingerprints : Administering Digital Fingerprints : Fingerprints Log Viewer : Managing the Fingerprints Log : Fingerprints Log Settings
Fingerprints Log Settings
The dialog box for managing log settings is used to view or change the following parameters:
Control log size - Select this check box to control the number of records in the log and delete outdated records. If this check box is cleared, all available disk space is used to store the log.
Keep events for last <number> days - When this option is selected, the log stores records no older than the number of days specified (365 days by default).
Maximum log size: <number> records - When this option is selected, the log stores no more than the specified number of records. With this option, you must choose the action to perform when the log reaches its maximum size:
Overwrite events as needed - New event records continue to be stored when the maximum log size is reached. Each record of a new event replaces the oldest record in the log.
Overwrite events older than <number> days - New event records replace only records stored longer than the number of days specified. The supported setting is up to 32,767 days.
Do not overwrite events (clear log manually) - New event records are not added when the maximum log size is reached. To enable the server to add new records, old ones must be deleted by hand.
Note: The server removes old records either by the date indicated in the Date/Time column (for records logged by the local server) or by the date indicated in the Consolidated Date/Time column (for records received from other servers using consolidation).
Important: If the log has no space for new records and log settings do not allow the deletion of old records, then the server does not add any new records to the log.
To use default settings, click Restore Defaults. The default settings are as follows:
Maximum log size: 10,000 records
Overwrite events older than 7 days