Digital Fingerprints : Applying Digital Fingerprints : Digital Fingerprints Content Groups
Digital Fingerprints Content Groups
Digital Fingerprints content groups implement content inspection using digital fingerprints. Each group of this type references a certain classification of digital fingerprints, and specifies a minimum percentage of fingerprints matching (referred to as threshold) that is required for assigning that classification to the content being inspected.
Content-aware rules can leverage content groups of the Digital Fingerprints type for data analysis based on digital fingerprints. Such rules can be applied to both devices and network protocols, to enable the use of digital fingerprints to control content access permissions, content shadowing, and/or content detection.
Creating a Digital Fingerprints group requires the following steps:
1. Open the dialog box for managing content-aware rules. On how to open this dialog box see Editing or Deleting Custom Content Groups.
2. In the dialog box for managing content-aware rules, under Content Database, expand the drop-down list next to Add Group, and then click Digital Fingerprints in that list.
3. Configure the group settings in the dialog box that appears (see Dialog box for configuring a Digital Fingerprints group).
Once a Digital Fingerprints group has been created, it can be used along with other content groups when setting up content inspection rules as described earlier in this document, in the section Content-Aware Rules (Regular Profile).