Digital Fingerprints : Administering Digital Fingerprints : Fingerprints Database : Adding Fingerprints Manually
Adding Fingerprints Manually
Normally, the fingerprints database is populated by using tasks (see Fingerprinting Tasks). It is also possible to add fingerprints directly, without having to create, configure and run a task. This feature is intended for the prompt fingerprinting of files to the database.
To promptly fingerprint files to the database, use the Add fingerprint command available on each classification in the Fingerprints Database node. Fingerprints are added to the classification for which this command is performed. The command prompts to select files and then takes their fingerprints and saves them in the database.
The Add fingerprint command uses a standard dialog box for selecting files, supplemented with the following option that is in effect when an archive file (such as a .zip file) is selected:
Unpack archives - If this check box is selected, the command takes the fingerprint of each file found in the archive. Otherwise, the command handles the archive file the same way as any other binary file, and only takes the fingerprint of that file.
Upon completion of the command, a dialog box appears that lists the added fingerprints with the following details on each one:
Name - The name that identifies the fingerprint. When adding a fingerprint to the database, the server assigns it the name of the file of which the fingerprint was taken.
Source type - The type of the file to fingerprint or dash in case of empty file. Possible types:
Text - The file holds solely text content (for example, this is a text file). The fingerprint is taken from the text content.
Binary - The file holds no text content (for example, this is an image file). The fingerprint is taken from the binary data.
Text/Binary - The file holds both text and binary content (for example, this is a Microsoft Word document or .pdf file). The fingerprint is taken from each content type separately.
<Classification name> - The percentage of the fingerprint’s elements (hashes) that conform to the classification specified. The list may contain several names since different fingerprints and their individual elements may conform to different classifications.
Full path - The path and name of the file the fingerprint was taken from. This may be a path on a local disk, or a UNC path on a network file server. If the file is contained in an archive, displayed are the path to the archive and the path to the file inside the archive.
Information - Operation outcome:
Added - The fingerprint successfully taken and saved in the database.
Added, Corrupted data - Unable to take the fingerprint of text content possibly due to text data corruption. The fingerprint has only been taken from the binary data.
Added, Password protected - Unable to take the fingerprint of text content due to password protection of the text data. The fingerprint has only been taken from the binary data.
Already exists - The fingerprint of the given file is already in the database.
Empty - The file to fingerprint contains no data. The fingerprint is not created.
Error: <message> - The error message if the fingerprint creation failed.