Digital Fingerprints : Administering Digital Fingerprints : Fingerprinting Options
Fingerprinting Options
The fingerprint versioning threshold is among the fingerprinting options. It determines the conditions under which the server creates new fingerprints instead of adding new versions to fingerprints that already exist in the database (see Fingerprints Collection and Storage for details).
To view these options in the details pane, select DeviceLock Enterprise Server > Digital Fingerprints > Fingerprinting Options in the console tree.
The following options are available:
Versioning threshold for text - Determines whether to consider a given fingerprint of a sample of text content to be a new fingerprint or a version of an existing one.
Versioning threshold for binary - Determines whether to consider a given fingerprint of a sample of binary content to be a new fingerprint or a version of an existing one.
When classifying fingerprints of mixed content (such as Microsoft Word documents), the server applies both thresholds, and separately assesses the match percentages for “text” and “binary” elements of the fingerprint. For details, see About Versioning Threshold.