Build 181September 3, 2024

Version 1.2.2

Fixed issues

  • [CI-28641] Protection plans using disks and volumes as the backup source are not recognized as compatible.

Security fixes

Find information about the security issues fixed in this release at

Build 174May 2, 2023

Version 1.2.1

This version was originally published in the Early Access channel and is now available from the Stable channel via the regular update procedure.

What’s new

Unified temporary directory

The location of the temporary directory was unified across the protection agent and the plugin. Now the value specified in /usr/lib/Acronis/system_libs/config will be overwritten with the value from the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/acronisbackup/srv/config.ini file.

Disabled Google Analytics

The functionality for sending events and usage statistics to Google Analytics was disabled.

Fixed issues

  • [ABR-364884] Regular protection plans cannot be disabled for backup execution in the plugin dashboard. Please use the Cyber Protection console instead. This fix requires updating the protection agent to the level of C23.04 (build 35320 and later).
  • [CI-20270] When backup execution is canceled in the Cyber Protection console, the backup process cannot be started again
  • [CI-22927] There is currently an issue that prevents users from sending error reports from the dashboard
  • [CI-23059] Download of multiple archives with mailboxes in it fails
  • [CI-23060] Timezone discrepancy in logs files and the dashboard
  • [CI-23198] The Backup toggle in the console enables all protection plans available for the server, even non-DirectAdmin compatible ones

Known issues

  • [CI-22948] Entire server recovery operation doesn't start from the plugin dashboard. The issue will be resolved with the protection agent update to the level of C23.05.
Build 147March 31, 2023

Version 1.2.0

This version was originally published in the Early Access channel and is now available from the Stable channel via the regular update procedure.

What’s new

Early Access program

We have introduced the Early Access update program to enable our users to test new features and validate compatibility with their setups before rolling out the updates to the entire fleet.

To participate in the Early Access program, simply install or update the Acronis Backup plugin to the latest build available in the Early Access channel. Users who wish to continue using the mainstream update channel don't have to make any changes to their systems. The update will be available in the mainstream channel approximately four weeks after it is released in the Early Access channel and will be available through the update functionality in DirectAdmin Plugin Manager.

Issues found in the early access build can be reported through the standard Support channel.

Individual protection plans

The plugin now defaults to automatically creating an individual protection plan for each DirectAdmin server. This is designed to provide an additional layer of security in the integration while keeping the user experience smooth.

Individual protection plans are associated with the particular workload that initiated the protection plan creation and cannot be revoked or assigned to other workloads.

If you want to protect multiple servers with a single plan, you can create a regular protection plan in the Cyber Protection console and assign these workloads to it. However, any modifications to a protection plan that is shared by multiple workloads can only be made in the Cyber Protection console and not within the plugin.

Obligatory plugin registration upon installation

To provide an additional layer of security, the plugin has been reworked to require obligatory authentication with the Cyber Protection service using user login or API client during plugin installation and configuration, regardless of whether the protection agent has already been registered.

Decreased account privileges for registering and configuring the plugin

We have decreased the minimum privilege level required to install and configure the plugin to the 'protection user' role.

Improved MySQL 8 support

We have reworked the logic of processing system databases to cover a wider range of custom database configurations available with MySQL 8 and third-party extensions.

All non-customer databases are now processed as system ones.

Safe extension uninstallation

Upon uninstallation, the extension calls the protection agent uninstaller with the --no-purge key defined in order to keep the association between the server, its protection plan, and backup chain upon re-installation.

Dropped support of legacy third-party software versions

We have increased the minimum supported PHP version to PHP 7.4, the minimum supported MySQL version to 5.7, and the minimum supported MariaDB version to 10.3.17.

Display of recovery points from all compatible protection plans

We have updated the Backup tab in the plugin to show a list of recovery points from all compatible protection plans. This improvement will allow users to easily access all available recovery points for a specific workload, regardless of the protection plan that created them.

Dynamic default protection plan naming

To make it easier to identify and distinguish protection plans associated with specific DirectAdmin servers in the Cyber Protection console, we have updated the default protection plan naming convention. The default protection plan name will now be dynamically generated as 'DirectAdmin %HOSTNAME%' instead of the generic 'webcp'.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-20700] Only one folder content is downloaded with a domain
  • [CI-20587] Two windows pop up one after another during database recovery
  • [CI-21194] Account recovery logic flaw causes failure if tmp is a separate partition
  • [CI-21193] mysqld execution ignores the tmpdir parameter
  • [CI-22836] Failed to recover terminated account with a database
  • [CI-20490] Progress percentage freezes after running a backup from the plugin UI

Security fixes

Find information about the security issues fixed in this release at

Known issues

  • [CI-20270] When backup execution is canceled in the Cyber Protection console, the backup process cannot be started again
  • [CI-22927] There is currently an issue that prevents users from sending error reports from the dashboard
  • [ABR-364884] Regular protection plans cannot be disabled for backup execution in the plugin dashboard. Please use the Cyber Protection console instead.
  • [CI-22948] Entire server recovery operation doesn't start from the plugin dashboard. The issue will be resolved with the protection agent update to the level of C23.05.

Build 123November 8, 2022

Version 1.1.1

What’s new

  • A new mechanism of running MySQL instances is introduced. Now this is done from within the backup archive rather than on the live system.
    The change solves multiple issues, related to database recovery in Virtuozzo Hybrid Server containers. It also removes the hard requirement for MySQL version matching in the archive and the target system that makes it possible to smoothly recover a database from a backup after the MySQL server has been updated on the system.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-20054] Recovery of sub-domains without the main domain causes recovery errors after the next backup
  • [CI-20465] Plugin installation on CloudLinux fails with error "returned a non-zero value"
Build 104September 20, 2022

Version 1.1

What’s new

  • Mailbox recovery can now preserve emails generated after the backup has been created
  • Multiple fixes and improvements to the plugin update procedure

Fixed issues

  • [CI-19461] Cannot create a backup if the MySQL password is quoted in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/my.cnf
  • [CI-16620] Error while updating the plugin via Update option in the DirectAdmin Plugin Manager. The fix was implemented in the DirectAdmin application, and thus requires the application to be updated to version 1.642 or later.

Known issues and limitations

  • [CI-19693] Recovered emails are duplicated if they were moved to a different directory before the recovery operation
  • [CI-19699] Backup cannot be enabled for DirectAdmin v 1.642 and newer installed in Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 7.5 containers. A fix will be included in the C22.10 update to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.
Build 94July 15, 2022

Version 1.0

What’s new

  • Support for Virtuozzo Hybrid Server containers
  • Support for Ubuntu operating system
  • Compatibility with the latest security updates, introduced in Acronis Cyber Cloud 22.07
  • Various stability and quality improvements

Fixed issues

  • [CI-18537] Recovery point content is not displayed for 5K accounts
  • [CI-18149] User cannot export the account after downloading mailboxes
  • [CI-18186] Deleted non-default mailboxes are not recovered although the operation completes successfully
  • [CI-17367] Resellers and their users can't see their files after recovery
  • [CI-18022] Recovering a domain fails if its sub-domain was recovered beforehand
  • [CI-16859] Files created after the backup are not deleted even though the corresponding checkbox is selected
  • [CI-18149] DirectAdmin end user cannot export the account after downloading mailboxes

Known issues and limitations

  • [CI-15175] Debian operating system is not supported
  • [CI-16620] Error while updating the plugin via Update option in the DirectAdmin Plugin Manager. This issue has been fixed on the DirectAdmin side and will be included in one of the upcoming updates of the DirectAdmin application.
Build 58May 25, 2022

Version Beta 4

What’s new

  • Granular recovery and download of mailboxes by the administrator and end users
  • Export and recovery of DirectAdmin accounts by end users
  • Configurable service level of the recovery self-service - it is now possible to limit the number of recovery points, visible to end users in the DirectAdmin User Package.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-17446] Failure to export an account by the admin after downloading files
  • [CI-16441] Backups created before the creation of a user are displayed to the user in the Dashboard
  • [CI-17491] Latest version is considered obsolete
  • [CI-18143] Plugin and server timezones mismatch
  • [CI-18019] Notification about the download operation progress is missing

Known issues and limitations

  • [CI-18149] User cannot export the account after downloading mailboxes
  • [CI-18186] Deleted non-default mailboxes are not recovered although the operation completes successfully
Build 50March 22, 2022

Version Beta 3

What’s new

  • Plugin update: notifications about the latest available plugin version appear on the administrator's dashboard. Clicking 'Update Now' will initiate the update.
  • Plugin installation and configuration through the command line. For more details, check the available documentation.
  • Plugin configuration wizard: after installing the plugin through the graphical user interface or the command line, it is possible to finish its configuration from the user interface. For this purpose, navigate to Menu > Extra Features > Acronis Backup and follow the instructions.
  • Encryption: encryption can be set up from the plugin configuration wizard or by specifying the encryption settings in the unattended script configuration file. See more details here.
  • Download and recovery of individual user accounts for administrators.
  • Advanced plugin configuration settings: a few configuration options are available for freezing MySQL, prior to taking a snapshot. Find more information here.

Known issues

  • [CI-17491] Plugin version is considered obsolete after update
Build 32February 2, 2022

Version Beta 2

What's new

  • Advanced configuration settings
  • Enabling scheduled server backup in the DirectAdmin user interface
  • In addition, administrators and end users can:
    • Download and recover domains as well as databases
    • Track the recovery progress
Build 11November 8, 2021

Version Beta 1


This the initial, beta version of the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud integration with the DirectAdmin hosting control panel.

The integration allows administrators to back up application-consistent DirectAdmin-enabled servers. It uses the same backup archive to restore the entire web hosting server to a fully consistent state and also to recover individual DirectAdmin objects, including accounts, databases, websites, mailboxes, folders and files.

In addition, the administrator can expose backedup data to DirectAdmin users and thus enable direct self-service recovery from the integration user interface.

This Beta 1 version features the following product functionalities:

  • Installation and configuration via the DirectAdmin user interface and server console
  • Running a backup on demand
  • Recovering an entire server
  • Enabling self-service recovery for end users
  • Downloading files from the archive and recovering them to the original location by admins and end users