Build599September 3, 2024

Version 1.8.6

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions of level 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-28640] Protection plans using disks and volumes as the backup source are not recognized as compatible.

Security fixes

Find information about the security issues fixed in this release at

Build596May 14, 2024

Version 1.8.5

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions of level 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-26398] After account recovery for resellers or customers, there are still missing deleted databases from the respective domains.
  • [CI-26436] AlmaLinux 9 compatibility.
  • [CI-26643] Slow database and subscription recovery on some systems.
  • [CI-27489] Account recovery and download fails on servers with certain MariaDB versions.
  • [CI-27550] Wrong timestamps in recovery point browsing breadcrumbs.
Build582October 9, 2023

Version 1.8.4

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions of level 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-25032] Database recovery fails with error "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost"
Build580September 9, 2023

Version 1.8.3

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions of level 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

What's new

  • Internal improvements
Build576August 29, 2023

Version 1.8.2

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-23431] Extension cannot be installed on Plesk Onyx
  • [CI-24311] Duplicate protection plans are created if the Encryption option is selected upon extension configuration
  • [CI-24444] Database recovery fails on MariaDB version 10.6 if database server does not support connection via TCP
  • [CI-24453] Protection agent installation cannot be started for customers with trial licenses
  • [CI-24577] Trial license activation fails with an error
Build568July 24, 2023

Version 1.8.1

This update is currently available in the Early Access channel. Details of the Early Access Program are provided in this Knowledge Base article

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-23841] Databases view shows Plesk login instead of customer name
  • [CI-24083] Exporting own account results in 500 TypeError PHP error
  • [CI-24129] 500 error occurs on the license activation page
  • [CI-24242] Trial license activation fails with error "BaseClient does not have a method "installBackupAgentAfterLicenseActivation""
Build555June 20, 2023

Version 1.8.0

This update is currently available in the Early Access channel. Details of the Early Access Program are provided in this Knowledge Base article

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

What's new

Early Access program

We have introduced the Early Access update channel to enable our users to test new features and validate compatibility with their setups before rolling out the updates to the entire fleet.

Details of the Early Access Program are provided in this Knowledge Base article

Users who wish to continue using the mainstream update channel do not have to make any changes to their systems. The update will be available in the mainstream channel approximately four weeks after it is released in the Early Access channel.

Individual protection plans

The extension now defaults to automatically creating an individual protection plan for each Plesk server. This is designed to provide an additional layer of security in the integration while keeping the user experience smooth.

Individual protection plans are associated with the particular workload that initiated the protection plan creation and cannot be revoked or assigned to other workloads.

If you want to protect multiple servers with a single plan, you can create a regular protection plan in the Cyber Protection console and assign these workloads to it. However, any modifications to a protection plan that is shared by multiple workloads can only be made in the Cyber Protection console and not within the extension.

Obligatory extension registration upon installation

To provide an additional layer of security, the extension has been reworked to require obligatory authentication with the Cyber Protection service using user login or API client during extension installation and configuration, regardless of whether the protection agent has already been registered.

Decreased account privileges for registering and configuring the extension

We have decreased the minimum privilege level required to install and configure the plugin to the 'protection user' role.

Dynamic default protection plan naming

To make it easier to identify and distinguish protection plans associated with specific Plesk servers in the Cyber Protection console, we have updated the default protection plan naming convention. The default protection plan name will now be dynamically generated as 'Plesk %HOSTNAME%' instead of the generic 'webcp'.

Disabled Google Analytics

The functionality of sending events and usage statistics to Google Analytics was disabled.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-21228] Database users not restored upon database recovery
  • [CI-21303] Domain recovery fails for sites without PhysicalHosting
  • [CI-21534] Authentication via an API Client fails if the protection agent was installed prior to the extension
  • [CI-21584] Backup fails with error "The pre-data capture command completed with non-zero return code: 1"
  • [CI-22540] Option to authenticate via the extension UI inside a Virtuozzo container was mistakenly removed
  • [CI-23002] Time for scheduled and executed backups in UTC instead of the server timezone
  • [CI-23232] Recovery Operations Log tab cannot be opened in Plesk v 18.0.51 Update 1 due to a PHP error

Security fixes

Find information about the security issues fixed in this release at

Build 500February 28, 2023

Version 1.7.0

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

What's new

Recovery self-service for Resellers

Users with the Reseller role can browse, export and restore their customers’ data: accounts, databases, websites, mailboxes, etc. Plesk administrators can enable such permission for them by selecting the corresponding setting in the Reseller's service plan. In addition, the administrator can limit the amount of recovery points, exposed to the resellers to provision for different service levels.

New mechanism of running MySQL instances

Upon database or account recovery operation, the MySQL daemon runs from within the backup archive rather than on the live system. This change solves multiple issues, related to database recovery in Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 7.5 containers. It also removes the hard requirement for MySQL version match in the archive and on the target system, thus making it possible to smoothly recover a database after MySQL server system update.

Improved MySQL 8 support

The logic of processing system databases was reworked to cover a wide range of non-typical database configurations, available with MySQL 8 and third-party extensions. All non-customer databases are processed as system ones now.

Safe extension uninstallation

Upon uninstallation, the extension uses the --no-purge key to call the protection agent uninstaller. This is done in order to keep the association between the server, its protection plan and backup chain upon re-installation.

Unified temporary directory

The location of the temporary directory was unified across the protection agent and the extension. Now the value, specified in /usr/lib/Acronis/system_libs/config will be overwritten with the value from the /usr/local/psa/var/modules/acronis-backup/srv/config.ini file.

Improved error messaging

Error messaging was improved to provide more intelligible descriptions for faster troubleshooting.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-9061] Database download fails if File Key Management Plugin for MariaDB is used
  • [CI-10475] Plesk account recovery fails in case of an invalid Plesk license
  • [CI-20576] Website recovery fails for deleted subscriptions

Known issues

  • [CI-21600] Deleted mailbox is not available via Roundcube after recovery. As a temporary workaround, please reset the mail account password after the mailbox recovery as per the instruction on the corresponding Plesk help page.
Build 459December 5, 2022

Version 1.6.1

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-21098] Backup fails with error "Creating of metadata was failed: Site without PhysicalHosting cannot be Webspace" if the Plesk instance has Service Plans without hosting.
Build418November 22, 2022

Version 1.6.0

Plesk product version compatibility

This update is available only for Plesk versions 17.8.11 Update 35 and newer.

What's new

Service level management for recovery self-service

On the Service Plan configuration page (Resources tab), there is a setting to limit the number of days in the past, for which recovery points will be shown to customers with this service plan. In order to apply this setting, the Permissions tab of the Service Plan configuration page must have the Acronis Backup option selected.

Ability to restore mailboxes without removing newer emails

The mailbox recovery functionality now offers a choice to preserve or delete emails sent or received after creating the backup.

Website view for recovery points browsing

The backup archive content was grouped to allow users to browse, download and restore all files and directories that belong to a particular domain or subdomain. Databases are not recovered as part of website recovery and need to be restored separately through the Databases view.

Other changes and improvements

  • [CI-10876] Self-descriptive error message in case a resource cannot be restored because a Service Plan quota has been reached
  • [CI-19529] Short cut to the Acronis extension in the customer interface was moved under the Security section in Plesk version 18.0.19 and newer

Fixed issues

  • [CI-7208] Button to export the Plesk account is missing from the self-service recovery interface for users with multiple subscriptions
  • [CI-10729] Button to download and restore mailboxes is missing from the admin interface in the Service Provider mode
  • [CI-18253] Acronis Agent installation fails if the agent was uninstalled before
  • [CI-20090] Protection plans creation fails after extension installation on an Almalinux driven server
Build375July 26, 2022

Version 1.5.9

What's new

Compatibility with the security improvements, introduced in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Update 22.07.

The following requirements should be complied with:

  • Update both the protection agent and the Plesk extension to their latest versions
  • Re-authenticate to Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud in order to generate an internal service user for protection plan management via the extension.

Operations, related to protection plan management via the extension, including protection plan configuration and revocation as well as manual backup start, will be prohibited until then.

Detailed instructions are provided in the corresponding Knowledge Base article.

Known issues

  • [ABR-353071] The SnapAPI kernel module fails to compile for kernel 5.10.0-16-amd64 causing the protection agent installation on Debian 11.4 to fail. The issue will be fixed in the August release of Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud. A workaround is available.
Build366May 10, 2022

Version 1.5.8

Fixed issues

  • [CI-17974] Download and recovery operations do not work in Plesk version
Build362February 14, 2022

Version 1.5.7

What's new

Rocky Linux Support

  • Starting with this version, the extension supports Rocky Linux OS 8.5 and higher

Fixed issues

  • [CI-16633] Available backup archives are not displayed in Power User mode
  • [CI-16586] Dashboard is displayed incorrectly after upgrading to the latest Plesk version
Build359December 13, 2021

Version 1.5.6


Plesk update v18.0.40 introduced changes, incompatible with the Acronis extension. These changes will be fully supported in the upcoming C21.12 Acronis Cyber Protection agent release.

Before updating the extension, please apply the workaround, described at

During the initial installation of the extension, you may face some issues with the backup plan creation. To resolve these, follow the instructions provided at

What's new

AlmaLinux Support

  • Starting from version 1.5.6, the extension supports AlmaLinux OS (8.4 Electric Cheetah and higher). Instances with CentOS 8, converted to AlmaLinux are supported as well.

systemd Support

  • systemd is now used, instead of cron for running the extension services.

Known issues and limitations

Build350December 11, 2020

Version 1.5.4

Fixed issues

  • [CI-9396] Plesk license key is logged
  • [CI-9590] Fix metadata for many empty customers
  • [CI-9651] Plesk: don't hardcode /bin/head
  • [CI-9800] [Ubuntu] Recover account failed with error "Unable to resolve all conflicts\n\nexit status 1"
Build347October 20, 2020

Version 1.5.3

What's new

Power user mode support

  • Now it's possible to browse and restore objects in Power user mode

Fixed issues

  • [CI-9083] ‘Operations log’ renamed to ‘Recovery operations log’. Recovery operations log contains only download and recover operations, no backup ones. Changed name to avoid confusion.
Build343September 4, 2020

Version 1.5.2

Fixed issues

  • [CI-8829] Backup fails on hosts with large number of customers due to php memory limit
Build340August 21, 2020

Version 1.5.1

Fixed issues

  • [CI-8990] File restoration fails for customers without webspaces
Build338August 19, 2020

Version 1.5.0


This release brings new features and multiple security, stability, performance, and usability improvements.

What's new

Encryption support

  • Now it's possible to enable encryption for the backups during the initial extension configuration in UI, with unattended configuration script or by creating a new backup plan in the backup console.
  • Encryption as a machine property is also supported.

Accounts restore and export

  • Now it is possible to recover and download individual Plesk end-user accounts.

Unattended plugin configuration

  • New script for an unattended extension configuration is available, it automatically checks if the backup agent is installed and registered on the host and performs all the required set up steps. Please refer to the documentation for more details.

Improved archives ownership detection logic

  • Restored or re-created Plesk users can access the recovery points made for these accounts in the past, regardless of the database and system ID changes.

Stability and performance improvements

  • Multiple stability and performance optimizations for files and database recovery.

Other improvements

  • Users with enabled 2FA can configure the extension using a registration token. Please refer to the documentation for more details.

Known issues and limitations

  • Single Sing-On (SSO) was disabled for security reasons. In case your server is compromised, backups won't be accessible.
  • Settings tab was removed due to technical redesign. To change notification and email settings go to Acronis Cyber Cloud.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-5900] Plesk - Mount timeout is too small
  • Old recovery points not visible in Plesk
Build310March 4, 2020

Version 1.4.3

Fixed issues

  • [CI-5454] Fixed failure of MySQL 5.1 databases backup due to "Unknown system variable 'lock_wait_timeout'" error.
Build308September 10, 2019

Version 1.4.2

What's new

  • Show configuration wizard if backup agent is installed but not registered in the Acronis cloud.

Fixed issues

  • [CI-5488] Plesk dashboards are hanging after update to 8.0 on a VZ container.
  • [CI-5504] Server error for the method getOperationByGuid is shown during successful agent installation.
  • [CI-5507] Incorrect error 'The connection error has occurred. Change URL or try again later.' is shown when the user specifies wrong credentials.
  • [CI-5515] Incorrect error appears when the user tries to access smb share backup with the expired password.
  • [CI-5520] Unnecessary info is shown in logs.
Build301July 30, 2019

Version 1.4.1


Fix listing of recovery points for Plesk end customers.

Build296July 9, 2019

Version 1.4.0


With this update, the extension offers stability, performance, and usability improvements and addresses issues found in the previous releases.

What's new

  • Support for Plesk Onyx 17.9

Fixed issues

  • [CI-4047] PROCEDURE, FUNCTION and EVENT statements are not restored during database recovery.
  • [CI-4500] A database download fails for MySQL 5.1.
  • [CI-4693] Pre/post-capture scripts should delete a thread that executes the flush command to unfreeze MySQL correctly.
  • [CI-4753] A backup agent should be installed with the "--strict" mode.
  • [CI-5134] If a file with the name in invalid encoding was backed up, the directory containing this file cannot be listed in the recovery point.
  • [CI-5236] Extended file attributes are not restored when a customer recovers a directory.
Build256December 29, 2018

Version 1.3.0


With this update, the extension offers stability, performance, and usability improvements and addresses issues found in the previous releases.

What's new

Trial version is available

  • Free 30 days trial period
  • One trial license per account
  • 45 days grace period
  • Feedback sending after trial
  • Reactivation by purchasing license add-on

Initial configuration improvements

  • Error messages were rewritten to make them even more clear
  • Descriptions were improved
  • Auto-retrieval of license add-on was added


List of downloads can be found in:

  • Notification bar
  • Overview

Error reporting

  • An operation detailed report can be easily sent from the UI.
Build232November 26, 2018

Version 1.2.1

What's new

  • Display link to download logs

Fixed issues

  • [CI-2449] Need to show user-friendly message when quota on servers is exceeded
  • [CI-2522] Unsupported Linux distributive is handled incorrectly
  • [CI-2527] Communicatio