April 25, 2006, Burlington, MA Acronis Inc., the technological leader in storage management software, announced it has acquired its German distribution partner Acronis Germany GmbH (formerly PEZ Kommunikationssysteme GmbH). Acronis Germany has been the exclusive distributor of Acronis products in Germany, Switzerland and Austria for the past six years. Terms of the agreement were not released.
Acronis Germany becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acronis Inc., based in Burlington, MA. Helmut Heptner, who headed Acronis Germany prior to the acquisition, continues in his role as managing director.
'Acronis' sales worldwide have been growing exponentially in recent years and much of that development can be attributed directly to outstanding efforts of Acronis Germany," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "Bringing Acronis Germany officially under the wing of Acronis Inc. puts us that much closer to this very important installed base and provides our European users with increased direct access to the company and its developers. We are not only solidifying our commitment to the European market, but we are doing so with a team that has demonstrated its resolve to promote the Acronis brand and technology throughout the heart of Europe."
"Since introducing Acronis products to the German market six years ago, we have seen tremendous growth and wide acceptance of the technology," said Heptner. "What began as cooperation and expanded into collaboration has now become a single, great institution. Acronis' dedication to customer service and outstanding technology made it an easy decision to associate our company with Acronis. We wanted to be the best, and what better way of becoming the market leader than by joining with the technology leader in this market."
"The strategic acquisition of Acronis' largest and most profitable European distributor goes a long way to cement the company's international presence," says Scott Maxwell, managing director of Insight Partners, a major investor in Acronis. "Acronis has long had a significant portion of its revenue from non-US sales, but the acquisition of Acronis Germany, which sells to the German, Swiss and Austrian markets, combined with its expansion to Southeast Asia last year, demonstrates a methodic and financially sophisticated move to globalized revenue and potentially, market dominance in targeted business segments.
"In addition to the company's impressive growth in the United States, Acronis sees equally impressive financial growth internationally. Its unique technology has become a prerequisite for disaster recovery in many of the world's largest enterprises," Maxwell said. "With this acquisition, we believe that Acronis a much better position to engage these expanding market opportunities."
关于 Acronis:
Acronis 是一家全球性的网络安全公司,为托管服务提供商 (MSP)、中小型企业 (SMB) 和企业 IT 部门提供原生集成的网络安全保护、数据保护和终端管理。Acronis 解决方案非常高效,旨在通过最短的停机时间识别、阻止、检测、响应、纠正当下肆虐横行的网络威胁以及实现之后的恢复,从而确保数据完整性和业务连续性。Acronis 凭借其独特的能力,可满足多样化和分布式 IT 环境的需求,为 MSP 提供市场上最全面的安全解决方案。
Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,于 2003 年在新加坡成立,全球设有 15 个办事处,员工遍布 50 多个国家。Acronis Cyber Protect 在 26 个国家/地区提供 150 种语言版本,已被 20,000 个以上的服务提供商用于保护超过 750,000 家企业。请访问 www.acronis.com 了解更多信息。