Updating protection agents
You can update all agents manually either by using the Cyber Protect console or by downloading and running the installation file.
You can configure automatic updates for the following agents:
- Agent for Windows
- Agent for Linux
- Agent for Mac
- Cyber Files Cloud Agent for File Sync & Share
4.2 GB of free space in the following location is required to update an agent automatically, or manually by using the Cyber Protect console:
For Linux – the root directory
For Windows – the volume where the agent is installed
5 GB of free space is required to update an agent in macOS – in the root directory.
[For all agents provided in the form of a virtual appliance, including Agent for VMware, Agent for Scale Computing, Agent for Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, Agent for RHV (oVirt)]
In order to perform automatic or manual update of a virtual appliance located behind a proxy, the proxy server must be configured on each appliance as follows.
In the /opt/acronis/etc/va-updater/config.yaml file, add the following line to the bottom of the file and enter the values specific to your environment:
httpProxy: http://proxy_login:proxy_password@proxy_address:port