Content-Aware Rules (Regular Profile) : Configuring Content Groups
Configuring Content Groups
Content-Aware Rules are created based on content groups that provide the ability to centrally define types of content for which access control is desired. Content groups specify content filtering criteria for identifying data to which rules should be applied.
All content groups are stored in the Content Database. The same Content Database is used for both devices and protocols. The Content Database is a part of the DeviceLock Service policy and is also saved in a file with DeviceLock Service settings that can be created using DeviceLock Management Console, DeviceLock Service Settings Editor, and the DeviceLock Group Policy Manager.
The following topics describe the content group types that are available, and provide instructions on how to create custom content groups of each type:
File Type Detection Content Groups - Identify files by using file type-specific signatures.
Keywords Content Groups - Look for specific keywords or phrases in data/files.
Pattern Content Groups - Look for specific text fragments by using Perl regular expressions.
Document Properties Content Groups - Look for document properties, such as size, name, title, subject, etc.
Digital Fingerprints Content Groups - Check digital fingerprints of data/files.
Complex Content Groups - Compose a logical expression of multiple group types.
Configuring content groups also involves the following tasks:
Viewing Built-in Content Groups
Duplicating Built-in Content Groups
Editing or Deleting Custom Content Groups
Testing Content Groups