Endpoint Scanning : Tasks : Navigating Reports
Navigating Reports
DeviceLock Discovery Server generates dynamic reports with comprehensive navigation structure. These reports enable you to receive detailed information about most items in the report by clicking an item. Most elements in the report are clickable links. Clicking a certain element may transfer you to a different page in the report (opening detailed view for the item you clicked), or open the Log Viewer with pre-filled filter to display all records relevant to the item you clicked.
Discovery results
The first column of the Discovery results table contains a number of clickable items. Clicking a rule or unit displays a shortcut menu.
If you click a rule, the following items are available on the shortcut menu:
Targets for Rule - Displays a list of all targets (computers and Elasticsearch nodes) on which content matching the rule was discovered.
Data for Rule - Displays a list of all files in which content matching the rule was discovered.
If you expand a rule and click one of the units, the following items are available on the shortcut menu:
Targets for Unit and Rule - Displays a list of targets in the selected unit on which content matching the rule was discovered.
Data for Unit and Rule - Displays a list of files from targets in the selected unit in which content matching the rule was discovered.
Certain numbers in the table are clickable. If you hover a mouse over such numbers, they become underlined. Clicking an underlined number in the table opens the Log Viewer as described in the Links to the log viewer section.
Failed to scan
The report section Failed to scan lists all units containing targets (computers and/or Elasticsearch nodes) that failed to scan. Clicking a unit opens a list of targets with the respective error messages. You may encounter the following error messages:
Computer is unavailable - The target computer/server was not available during the scan (for example, turned off or not connected to the network).
Installation failed - The installation of the Discovery agent was not successful on the target computer to scan.
Access is denied - When accessing the target to scan, there was a problem with configured access credentials or certificate.
No License - The number of targets to scan has exceeded the license. You may wish to upgrade your license to scan additional targets.
Details table
Clicking one of the four menu items described in Discovery results opens the respective Details Table. If you click a target, you are presented with all files discovered by the corresponding rule. If you click a file, you will see all targets on which that file was discovered by the corresponding rule. Which particular list view is displayed is indicated in the Discovery results line.
Certain numbers in the table are clickable. If you hover a mouse over such numbers, they become underlined. Clicking an underlined number in the table opens the Log Viewer as described in the Links to the log viewer section.
The number of entries for all tables can be adjusted by changing the following registry values:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SmartLine Vision\DLManager\Manager
Value: DisplayRootCount=dword:<number of root elements>
The default value is 500.
Value: DisplayChildCoun=dword:<number of child elements>
The default value is 50.
By default, at most 500 root elements (nodes) and 50 sub-nodes of each node will be listed.
The Rules section lists the rules used in this scan. Clicking a rule name opens the Rules & Actions view, with that rule selected in the details pane.
Links to the log viewer
If you need more details about a certain item in one of the report tables, you may click an underlined item in the header or an underlined number in the table. This will open the log viewer, with the filter options set to ensure that only relevant records are displayed.
The filtering rule is a logical AND of all relevant fields, and is generated as follows:
<report ID> AND <column name> AND <rule name> AND <unit name>
The resulting filter is applied to the log viewer, and you will see only those entries that match the filtering rule. As a result, you will always have the log viewer display information that is relevant to your click. You can reset the filter and view full log results by using the Reset Filter command.