DeviceLock Content Security Server : Using Search Server : Performing a search : Managing saved queries : Creating or editing a saved query
Creating or editing a saved query
When creating, viewing, or changing a saved query, a separate dialog box appears to manage that query.
In the Query field of the dialog box for managing a saved query, specify one or more query strings to search for the desired words or text fragments, in the same way as you do in the Query field when configuring a search task or in the Search box when performing a full-text search. By default, the strings are combined by AND, that is, the query would return the items that match each of the strings specified.
In the query string, logical operators, such as AND or OR, can be added by typing them in uppercase, or by choosing an operator from the shortcut menu. To display the menu, right-click in the Query box and point to Insert, or click in the Query box and then press Ctrl+D. For operator description, see About logical operators.
The query string can include search groups (see Managing content-aware search groups). A search group is presented by its name enclosed in percent signs: %group_name%. It is possible to add a search group to the query string by typing percent signs along with the group name. As you type, a list of groups that match the entered name appears in the Query box, allowing you to select the desired group from that list.
The shortcut menu in the Query box also provides the standard commands for working with text, such as Cut, Copy, Paste, etc.