Acronis’ trademarks, logos, logotypes, signatures, and design marks are valuable assets that Acronis protects. Accordingly, we ask that you follow these guidelines with respect to your use of any Acronis trademarks or logos. The commonly used Acronis trademarks are listed here.
Only Acronis and its authorized resellers and partners may use the Acronis trademarks and logos in any manner, including in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. All usage, including press releases, must comply with the applicable agreement you have with Acronis. By using an Acronis mark or logo, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that Acronis is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that you will not interfere with Acronis’ rights in the trademark, including challenging Acronis’ use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with any other word or marks, anywhere in the world. You further acknowledge that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Acronis mark. If you are an Acronis reseller or partner and you have questions regarding trademark usage or press releases, please contact your regular Acronis contact.
You may not use the Acronis trademarks in a manner which would cause confusion as to Acronis sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement. Do not use Acronis trademarks or confusing variations as all or part of your company, product, or service names.
You must not imitate Acronis’s trade dress, type style, or logos. For example, you are not permitted to copy Acronis product packaging for use with your products or services.
Do not use Acronis, Acronis trademarks, or potentially confusing variations of Acronis or any Acronis trademarks in your internet domain names.
Always spell and capitalize Acronis’ trademarks exactly as they are shown in the Acronis trademark list. Do not modify or change the names that contain Acronis trademarks. Do not modify or change the Acronis logos in any way. The Acronis Style Guide may be found here.
Proper trademark attribution through trademark symbols and credit lines ensure the public is aware of Acronis’ trademarks and helps prevent them from becoming generic terms. Credit lines also clarify that the associated marks belong to Acronis.
Trademark Symbols
Use of the ® symbol with the appearance of all 'Acronis' marks in all forms of usage other than a body of text, where use of the symbol is only required on the first use. However, it is acceptable to continue use of the ® after the first use throughout the document. Use of the ® symbol is not required if 'Acronis' is used in reference, for example 'the Acronis family of backup and recovery products'.
Credit Line
All products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials, and web sites bearing any Acronis trademarks should including the following trademark credit line: 'Acronis® is a registered trademark of Acronis International GmbH and or its affiliates in the United States and other countries.' If multiple Acronis marks are used, include those marks in the credit line after 'Acronis®', and make note if one or more of the marks is not registered; for example:
Acronis®, Acronis Backup & Recovery®, Acronis Compute with Confidence®, and the Acronis logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Acronis International GmbH or its affiliates in the United States and other countries.
Acronis may provide you with additional guidelines regarding proper usage of its trademarks and logos. These guidelines may be provided in your reseller or partnership agreement with Acronis or in a separate document. Acronis reserves the right to discontinue your use of any trademarks and/or logos if your use is in violation of the terms and conditions of use.
If you have any questions regarding the use of Acronis trademarks or logos, please contact your normal Acronis contact.
Unauthorized Third-Party References to Acronis and our Products
Acronis International GmbH recognizes that other companies may wish to refer to our company or products. However, we are very determined to protect the value of and goodwill associated with our name and trademarks and also to prevent use of our name or trademarks in a manner that is likely to confuse consumers as to the source of any product, to mislead customers about the nature or source of any product, or to falsely imply that we are affiliated with another company or that we endorse or sponsor another company’s products or services.
Acronis International GmbH may authorize use of its name or trademark by a third party under the terms of a written license agreement or permission, typically granted as part of formal participation in our partner program. If you wish to join our partner program or become an authorized user, please contact {name} at {number} or apply for membership on-line at {link}
In addition to authorized use, the law allows for certain, limited legitimate use of our name and trademark (but not our logo) by the press and others. The nature and extent of a legitimate use is restricted by trademark and unfair competition laws, and is limited to the minimum usage necessary under the circumstances.
All unauthorized and legitimate use of the name Acronis and the mark Acronis® or any of our other trademarks, must conform to the following proper usage rules:
1. When a third party refers to our company, the reference should be closely accompanied by a prominent and clear legend stating clearly that the third party is not affiliated with Acronis International GmbH For example:
Please note that ABC, Inc. is not owned or licensed by or in any way affiliated with Acronis International GmbH and that Acronis International GmbH and its affiliates are not responsible for the content or accuracy of this [website] or for the content, performance or quality of ABC, Inc.’s products or services.
2. Our company should always be referred to by its correct name, 'Acronis International GmbH', not merely 'Acronis'. For example:
'Acronis Virtual Edition' is incorrect.
'Backup & Recovery® software from Acronis International GmbH', is correct.
3. 'Acronis Compute with Confidence®' and our other trademarks must be displayed and used as marks, with a proper ® registration symbol (in regular or superscript) and followed by the product generic name. For example:
Acronis® software
Backup & Recovery® from Acronis International GmbH
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