Popular Hard Disk Partitioning and Multi-Boot Software Exceeds 50,000 in Single Unit Sales
South San Francisco, CA May 22, 2002 Acronis Inc., the technological leader in system software development, today announced that Acronis OS Selector 5.0, one of the company's leading titles, has exceeded 50,000 in single unit sales worldwide.
Since its official release, Acronis OS Selector 5.0 has quickly risen to international prominence as a leading hard disk partitioning and multi-boot software solution. It has also been honored with numerous awards from leading industry press, including a PC Home Silver Award and a 2001 Linux Journal Editors' Choice Award.
"When asked why Acronis OS Selector 5.0 has been so well received by the computing public, my response is always the same; computer users want choices," said Maxim Tsypliaev, president of Acronis. "They want to try different operating systems on a single PC, and they want to customize and manage their hard disk partitions based on their particular computing needs. Acronis OS Selector 5.0 is quite simply the best product on the market that offers the functionality they require."
Acronis OS Selector 5.0 is extremely popular among Windows and Linux users, respectively, who are able to run the independent operating systems simultaneously on a single PC. And Aronis OS Selector 5.0 offers a special boon to Linux users; full support of ReiserFS and Linux Ext3 file systems, functionality not found in competitive products.
And thanks to a distribution agreement with PTG Software announced in April 2002, computer users can now find Acronis OS Selector 5.0 at their favorite retail location.
"Acronis OS Selector 5.0 surpassed 50,000 single unit sales with little presence in the retail channel, so naturally we expect to see exponential growth as more and more computer users discover Acronis OS Selector 5.0 and realize the numerous benefits inherent in the product," Tsypliaev said. "But before we look to far ahead, we wanted to take a minute and sincerely thank all of our customers who have chosen Acronis OS Selector 5.0, and who have helped make it such an astounding success."
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