Acronis True Image Enterprise Server, Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation, and Acronis True Image Server for Windows Get Enhanced Backup and Restore Capabilities
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., April 8, 2005 Acronis, Inc. (, the technological leader in systems and storage management solutions, released an update to its family of Windows-based enterprise-class Acronis True Image products. The family includes Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 8.0 for Windows, and Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation 8.0 for Windows.
Among the updates to the Enterprise Server offering are the ability to start and stop database applications in order to create a point-in-time snapshot of the database, restore systems remotely from the management console, and save backup images to remote tape drives.
Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation 8.0 for Windows adds restoration of non-system partitions remotely from the management console, as well as the same remote tape drive support being added to the server products.
"Expanding our capabilities for enterprise and standalone server customers is a priority at Acronis," said CEO Max Tsypliaev. "RAID data recovery and protection are critical in a corporate environment, as is disaster recovery and back-up. Our goal is to provide corporate users with a one-stop shop for their backup and disaster recovery needs.
"Acronis understands that corporate users have a choice when it comes to backup options. However, we also recognize that if a backup product is too complex to use or doesn't provide a fail-safe backup, it won't be used, and that is a bad business decision. Acronis products make the IT manager's job easier by providing advanced, enterprise-class backup capabilities that are actually useful and provide a fast return on investment. They are not complex, partial solutions that are difficult to use and therefore expensive clutter on the server."
"Business continuity is critical in an enterprise environment," added Stephen Lawton, marketing director for Acronis. Maintaining database integrity while expanding the backup options demonstrates Acronis' commitment to corporate IT users.
"It is not enough to provide backup and disk imaging capabilities," he added. "IT managers demand that data integrity be paramount for any backup solution. Why bother to back up your data if it's not accessible when you need it? Addressing IT managers' request for greater data reliability capabilities underscores our commitment to providing world-class capabilities. Additionally, the images created by Acronis True Image can be used as part of a public company's government-mandated compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act."
Registered users can update their software at no charge from the appropriate product Web site. Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 8.0 has a suggested list price of $999, while Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation is priced at $79.99. Acronis True Image Server for Windows, the single-server solution, carries a list price of $699.
More information about the product is available at
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