All Mission-Critical servers now run Acronis True Image Enterprise Server
September 20, 2005, South San Francisco, CA Acronis, Inc., the technological leader in storage management software, announced that CINECA, the Interuniversity computing Center based in Bologna, Italy, has standardized on Acronis True Image Enterprise Server. Established in 1969, Cineca is currently the most important computing centre in Italy and one of the major centers worldwide.
Cineca installed Acronis True Image Enterprise Server on 40 servers running the organization's mission-critical Windows applications. Full images of each server are created weekly or monthly, and saved to a storage server. The mission-critical applications include the Web servers, database servers, terminal servers and file servers in stand-alone and clustered environments.
"As a result of a flood, we understood that a disaster recovery solution that enabled rapid recovery from a disaster was imperative," said Stefano Milan, systems administrator for Cineca. "We now have a disaster recovery solution and peace of mind. Regardless of the cause of failure natural disasters, unstable patches, or viruses we can restore our systems in a few hours. Our implementation of Acronis True Image Enterprise Server is a complete success."
"Customers worldwide are finding that Acronis True Image Enterprise Server is the ideal solution for backup and disaster recovery," said Max Tsypliaev, CEO of Acronis. "From major systems vendors in Asia to government agencies worldwide and financial institutions to energy companies, IT managers are staking their jobs and their corporate data on Acronis True Image products for the enterprise. This groundswell of support and recognition underscores our commitment to enterprise-class products and the demanding IT managers who use them."
"Acronis' growth worldwide is a tribute to products and our partners covering the globe," said Rob Simonds, director of channel sales. "Today customers can not only purchase Acronis products in seven languages, with three more about to be released. Disaster recovery and backup are applications that transcend national borders and boundaries providing software in the users' native language is an important part of Acronis' mission of supplying first-tier software to the international community."
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