Acronis Provides Top Five Tips to Protect New Digital Devices, Plus 20% Off Discount for a Limited Time
BURLINGTON, Mass., December 11, 2007 - With the holiday season in full swing, many consumers and businesspeople will receive new digital devices. The following are five top tips for protecting new high-tech gadgets and the photos, videos, music and data on them from Commwave (, maker of easy-to-use backup software.
"In the excitement of getting a shiny new device, most of us don't read the owner's manual, let alone think about what will happen when it gets a virus, fails in any way, or when we want to replace it," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "When you remove the packaging is the perfect time to think about how to protect the precious files - be they photos, videos and music - that device might create or store. Here are our recommendations on how you can protect your digital assets."
Top Five Tips For Protecting New Technology
- Set your intentions upfront: When starting to use a new computer or digital device, consider what purpose it will serve. An external storage device for your electronic accounting records? A smart phone to access contacts, memos and email from the road? A home computer for your photos, music and videos? The types of information you plan to store on your new device will dictate the level of backup needed.
- Choose a backup strategy to suit your needs: Maybe all of the files on your new device are stored on your computer, so in essence you already have a backup of this information. For a new computer, however, you should consider backup software which can protect the variety of storage-intensive files it holds.
- Make it easy: Backing-up doesn't have to be a chore. Choose software that can automatically, and on a regular basis, run the desired backup routine. Set it up once and you won't have to think about it again.
- Don't wait: As soon as you decide how you'll backup, do it immediately. Just because a gadget or computer is new, that doesn't mean it won't break down. Think about all of those extra programs you can't wait to download onto it, such as games or holiday photos. Backing up before installing anything new is a must to ensure you'll still be using that device if it fails next week.
- Keep it safe: It's inevitable that another new computer or gadget is in your future. With that in mind, look for backup software that allows you to transfer all of your files easily onto a new device in one step, not file by file. Some products also allow you to wipe the old device clean to remove sensitive information before it's recycled or donated.
A little forethought can really pay off. If a new computer gets a virus or your MP3 player stops working, you'll have the peace of mind that your files, photos and more are safe and easily recovered to a new device.
About Acronis True Image 11 Home
Acronis True Image 11 Home is the latest version of Acronis' award-winning file and system disk imaging backup and restore software for home and home office users. The software creates a "snapshot" image of an entire computer, including all programs and files, which can be saved to an external drive in case the computer fails due to virus or some other crash. That image can be quickly restored once the computer is repaired and running properly again.
Acronis True Image 11 Home adds powerful, yet easy-to-use features including the exclusive Try&Decide feature, which allows users to perform potentially dangerous operations such as software installation or e-mail attachment opening without putting their PC at risk. For added security and privacy, the software includes Acronis Drive Cleanser, which securely erases hard drives before discarding or donating a computer, and File Shredder, which wipes out individual computers files so that they are permanently deleted and unrecoverable.
Special Offer
From Dec. 11, 2007, through Jan. 12, 2008, Acronis is running a special, 20% off discount on Acronis True Image 11 Home. To take advantage of this holiday offer, click on the attached coupon or visit, click on the Buy Now button, and use discount code ati11prdec when you check out. List price is $49.99 but with this offer, the price is just $39.99.
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