Beta of Acronis® Snap Deploy® 3.0 Adds New Features
BURLINGTON, Mass., March 13, 2008 - Commwave (, a provider of affordable, scalable storage management and disaster recovery software, today announced the availability of the Acronis Snap Deploy 3.0 beta, which enables IT managers to quickly and easily configure multiple computers simultaneously.
New features in Version 3.0 include:
- Wake-on-LAN allows remote boot of shut down computers even if they are not located in one network with Acronis Deploy Server;
- Deployment scheduling enables flexible deployment planning;
- A centralized management console provides the ability to create and manage deployment tasks from one location;
- Full Microsoft Windows Server 2008 support ensures compatibility with the latest Microsoft technologies;
- Flexible licensing for both workstations and servers;
- Custom deployment enables authorized end-users to self-deploy systems by choosing a pre-configured deployment task from the network boot menu;
- Preinstalled environment (PE) support (WinPE 2.0/BartPE) permits automatic deployment and script execution under PE, including a PXE media builder;
- Full security ensures MAC filtering, the ability to password-protect an image, and prevents unauthorized execution of the Acronis bootable components
Beta testers will be required to spend at least 3 to 5 hours per week testing the software over a period of up to 8 weeks. Testers also will be required to submit reports on both capabilities and suspected bugs.
"With Acronis Snap Deploy 3.0, bringing new computers into a business will not have to be a time and labor-intensive process," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "Instead of configuring each individual machine and then installing the applications, customers use our software to quickly install a standard, identical image - including all applications - on every machine. Employees are up and running on their new systems in minutes rather than hours or days."
Image configurations created by Acronis Snap Deploy can be installed from an optical disk or multicast simultaneously to tens or hundreds of computers over a local area network. With the separately licensed Acronis Universal Deploy add-on, IT managers can configure new systems with different hardware and still use the original saved image. Device drivers and the Hardware Abstraction Layer can be automatically or manually selected as needed to ensure proper booting of the computer.
Pricing and availability
Acronis Snap Deploy 3.0 is expected to ship through Acronis resellers in the U.S. and online by May. Acronis Snap Deploy 3.0 is fully compatible with version 2.0 and all Acronis products, and supports 32 and 64-bit systems.
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