Conference to Assemble Experts, Innovators, Customers, and
for an Unprecedented Collaboration to Address the Need for Cyber
SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland - 6 June 2019 - Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced its first Acronis Global Cyber Summit ( to be held at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami, FL from October 13-16, 2019. Bringing together global partners, ISVs, and industry pundits, the Summit will be the premier conference focused on improving the protection of critical data assets and systems for enterprises and small businesses alike.
The two-and-a-half day conference will feature presentations from a host of experts, including Robert Herjavec, noted cybersecurity expert and co-host of television's Emmy Award-winning Shark Tank, former FBI counter-intelligence operative and author Eric O'Neill, and internationally recognized security analyst and writer Keren Elazari.
"Given recent changes in technology and how we're using data today, the industry finds itself at a crossroads when it comes to protecting the digital assets," said Elazari. "The organizers of the Acronis Global Cyber Summit have struck on an interesting vision for what the future holds in both the data protection and cybersecurity industries. I'm looking forward to being part of the discussion."
Modern Data Requires Modern Protection
Today's companies face a constantly evolving constellation of threats to their data. Enterprises must manage data volumes that have exploded from 1.45 PB in 2015 to 9.70 PB last year[1]. At the same time, global losses from cybercrime are reaching $600B annually[2]. Increasingly, traditional data protection and cybersecurity solution are ill-equipped to counter modern threats, putting organizations worldwide at risk.
Acronis is leading a movement to revitalize and integrate data protection and cybersecurity to create advanced cyber protection - ensuring the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security of data (SAPAS, or the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection). The Acronis Global Cyber Summit will bring this vision into sharp focus as experts and industry leaders examine how cyber protection can better meet the requirements of today's IT professionals and companies to protect all data, applications, and systems.
To create a larger ecosystem that delivers SAPAS-based cyber protection, Acronis recently opened early access to third-party developers to the Acronis Cyber Platform. Access to the platform, which will be made publicly available at the Acronis Global Cyber Summit, enables broader support for data protection, and the development of applications so developers can expand the functionality and integrations of their apps, while gaining access to Acronis' large ecosystem.
Developers can choose to specifically address one of the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection, or address them all as the upcoming Acronis Total Protect does by merging backup, cybersecurity, and system management capabilities into one solution. Acronis Total Protect will officially launch at the Summit as well.
"With the cybersecurity market expected to reach $300 billion by 2024[3], there are huge opportunities throughout the industry for those willing to act now," observed Lance Crosby, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of StackPath and one of the featured speakers at the Summit. "From service providers delivering next-level cyber protection to resellers looking to evolve their businesses to include service delivery, to ISVs that want to integrate cyber protection into their development flow - there's money to be made by helping safeguard data."
Insightful Breakouts and Customer-Led Sessions
In addition to keynotes from world-class speakers, Acronis leaders, and Acronis partners, the Summit will also offer exclusive partner training sessions, unique social and networking events (like a Women in Tech Breakfast), customer and partner advisory councils, and technical breakouts that address the latest in cyber protection innovations and Acronis solutions.
Breakout sessions will be tailored to service providers, resellers, ISVs, enterprises, and SMBs to help them understand, build, and manage solutions to address imminent and long-term challenges in data protection and cybersecurity. Session categories include:
1. Anticipating and responding to new cyberthreat actors and malware
2. Using blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning for cyber protection
3. Building cyber protection for edge computing and hybrid cloud scenarios
4. Delivering compelling customer solutions on the Acronis cyber protection infrastructure
5. Adopting cyber protection best practices from partner and customer case studies
"Our community is critically important to us and this event will bring to life the vision of SAPAS that we've been building across all facets of our business during the last five years," said Serg Bell (SB), Acronis Founder and Executive Officer. "We couldn't be more excited to bring it all together and share it with our ecosystem of trusted advisors and partners."
Thought Leaders Team Up with Acronis
Main-stage sessions will feature keynotes from leading visionaries and experts in the data protection, cybersecurity, and cloud services industries. Featured speakers scheduled to appear include:
· Robert Herjavec, global cybersecurity entrepreneur, former Cybersecurity Advisor for the Government of Canada, and member of the US Chamber of Commerce Task Force for Cybersecurity.
· Keren Elazari, internationally recognized security analyst, researcher, writer, and speaker. Covers emerging security technologies as an independent strategic analyst. Works with leading Israeli security firms, government organizations, and Fortune 500 companies.
· Eric O'Neill, former undercover field operative for the FBI who helped capture the most notorious spy in United States history - Robert Hanssen, a 25-year veteran of the FBI and the first Russian cyber spy.
· Lance Crosby, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of StackPath, and Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 Southwest. Founder of SoftLayer Technologies, which he grew into a $400 million global business before selling it to IBM.
· Linda Babcock, Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. Fortune Magazine named her book, Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide as one of the 75 smartest business books of all time.
· SB - Serg Bell, Founder and Chief Executive of Acronis. Entrepreneur and business executive with a 24-year history of building, growing, and leading high-performing, multi-national high-tech companies in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Other speakers scheduled to appear include Christian Böing, Chairman of the Executive Board of STRATO AG; Erick Simpson, co-founder of one of the first "Pure Play" MSPs in the industry; Graeme Hackland, CIO for the Williams Group, one of the world's leading Formula One racing teams; Katya Fisher, Partner and Practice Group Leader, Blockchain and Technology Transactions at Greenspoon Marder; Laurent Dedenis, CEO and Co-Founder of Chainstack; Cheryl Robinson, Founder of Ready2Roar; Michael Frisby, Managing Director at Cobweb and former lead at Microsoft's SMB Managed Reseller channel; and Naveen Chhabra of Forrester, who provides strategic guidance to their vendor and end user clients.
A full list of speakers is available at
Event registration is now open. The Acronis Global Cyber Summit 2019 event page has full details.
Sponsorship packages are available. Contact to create a customized strategy
[1] Dell EMC Survey, as reported by TechRepublic
[2] Center for Strategic and International Studies
[3] Adds New Cybersecurity Market 2018 - 2024
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아크로니스는 관리형 서비스 제공업체(MSP), 중소기업(SMB) 및 기업 IT 부서에게 기본적으로 통합된 사이버 보안, 데이터 보호 및 엔드포인트 관리 기능을 제공하는 글로벌 사이버 보안 회사입니다. 아크로니스 솔루션은 매우 효율적이며 최신 사이버 위협을 식별, 예방, 탐지, 대응, 해결 및 복구하여 다운타임을 최소화하도록 설계되어 데이터 무결성과 비즈니스 연속성을 보장합니다. 아크로니스는 다양하고 분산된 IT 환경의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 고유한 기술을 바탕으로 MSP에 시장에서 가장 종합적인 보안 솔루션을 제공합니다.
2003년 싱가포르에서 설립된 스위스 회사인 아크로니스는 전 세계에 15개의 지사를 두고 있으며 50개 이상의 국가에 직원을 두고 있습니다. Acronis Cyber Protect는 150개국에서 26가지 언어로 제공되며 20,000개 이상의 서비스 제공업체가 750,000개 이상의 비즈니스를 보호하는 데 사용하고 있습니다. www.acronis.com에서 자세히 알아보세요.