The Monegasque Formula E team and global electromobility pioneer signs multi-year partnership with the world's leader in protecting data, applications, and systems
Singapore, 28 May 2019 - VENTURI Formula-E Team andAcronis, a global leader in cyber protection, announced an exciting multi-year technology partnership. Under the agreement, Acronis will become an Official Team Partner of the VENTURI Formula-E Team, providing innovative cyber protection solutions to improve data resiliency and create a more efficient and secure workflow.
As the world's fastest-growing motorsport, the FIA ABB Formula E Championship provides the perfect proving ground for innovative and future-focused technologies. As pioneers in electromobility and one of the founding teams of the Championship at its inception, the VENTURI Formula-E Team has real data needs that Acronis can address. The team is also ideally suited to push Acronis' cyber protection capabilities to the limits.
Through the new partnership the VENTURI Formula-E Team will benefit from Acronis' full range of cyber protection services including cutting-edge hybrid cloud architecture, disaster recovery, file sync and share, blockchain notarization and e-signature services, and anti-malware protection - all of which can be managed from a single, intuitive console.
The VENTURI Formula-E Team generates up to 20GB of data at each racing weekend alone. As part of the new, cutting-edge partnership with Acronis, this and the team's wider data will be fully protected against modern cyber threats while remaining easily accessible to trackside and support engineers, no matter where they are in the world. The result will help improve the speed, efficiency and security of their operations.
Acronis will also utilise the latest artificial intelligence (AI) advances to help transform the predictive analytics capabilities of the race team, increasing its capacity to deal with the many unexpected events of the unique, high-jeopardy Formula E racing environment.
"We're delighted to welcome Acronis to the VENTURI family. We share the same values and beliefs when it comes to the pursuit of technological innovation and there are a myriad of ways in which the partnership will have immediate, real time benefits for the team. In motorsport, performance is everything - Formula E is no different in this respect and we're continuously striving for the very best technological advances and solutions in every aspect of the team's set-up. We're delighted to have the opportunity to work with reputed industry leaders such as Acronis and are looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership." said Susie Wolff, VENTURI Formula-E Team Principal.
"Acronis' technology meets the efficiency and reliability requirements of VENTURI Formula E Team, covering all aspects of cyber protection. By eliminating any concerns about the safety or accessibility of their data, we can help teams focus on the development of their car and achieving results on the racetrack. We are very proud to become an Official Team Partner and look forward to a long, successful partnership with the team," said Dan Havens, Acronis Growth Officer.
Utilising innovative technologies such as AI, machine learning, and blockchain, Acronis ensures its solutions can address the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection - the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security of data (SAPAS). These solutions will help the VENTURI Formula-E Team safeguard their data both at the track and at the team's Monaco HQ.
At the same time, Acronis will benefit from the global power and reach of the world's fastest-growing motorsport, through one its most premier and manufacturer-independent teams to be able to showcase its easy, efficient, and secure solutions as it continues to grow its business worldwide.
The new partnership also presents a unique opportunity for Acronis to drive its SAPAS message in two key regions - South America and Europe. Through the global reach of the FIA ABB Formula E Championship, VENTURI Formula-E Team driver and ex-Formula One star, Felipe Massa will enable Acronis to raise awareness of the partnership activities in his home country of Brazil, with VENTURI Formula-E Team driver and FIA GT World Cup vice-champion and street racing specialist, Edoardo Mortara, bringing about the same in his home countries of Italy and Switzerland, the latter of which is also home to Acronis' Global Corporate Headquarters.
Acronis supports a number of sporting clubs and high-profile motorsport teams. For more information, please visit
About VENTURI Formula E Team
A pioneer in the field of electromobility since 2000, Monaco-based VENTURI President, Gildo PASTOR was an early supporter of Alejandro AGAG - FIA Formula E CEO - when he began laying the foundations for what would become the FIA ABB Formula E Championship. Drawing on his expertise in the field, the Monegasque innovator quickly threw his support behind the fledgling Formula E project, creating the VENTURI Formula-E Team which has competed in every season of the 'Championship since its inception in 2014.
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2003년 싱가포르에서 설립된 스위스 회사인 아크로니스는 전 세계에 15개의 지사를 두고 있으며 50개 이상의 국가에 직원을 두고 있습니다. Acronis Cyber Protect는 150개국에서 26가지 언어로 제공되며 20,000개 이상의 서비스 제공업체가 750,000개 이상의 비즈니스를 보호하는 데 사용하고 있습니다. www.acronis.com에서 자세히 알아보세요.