February 21, 2006, Burlington, MA - Acronis, Inc. (www.acronis.com), the technological leader in storage management software, announced that MedAire, Inc. (ASX Code: MDE) has successfully implemented Acronis True Image Server as its corporate server disaster recovery solution.
"Redundancy was a big issue for us and we needed a solution that enabled the company to quickly recovery from any outage," said Magdi Hanna, network administrator at MedAire. "We reviewed a number of other products, but selected Acronis because of its ease-of-use, compatibility with USB devices, and lights-out image creation capabilities. MedAire is now using the Acronis solution on 10 servers running various mission-critical applications, including customer resource management (CRM), RAS Database, Microsoft Exchange, backup and telephony."
"The product was implemented quickly and easily, with no user training," he added. "While MedAire has not had a server go down since implementing the solution, we have peace of mind knowing that we can quickly recover an entire server in minutes. We consider Acronis True Image Server for Windows an integral part of our recovery plan, as it allows us to recover from server outages in minutes. We are completely satisfied with the solution."
"Health centers, doctors and medical services organizations, like all of our country's first-responders, are placing the greatest possible demands on the products and services they use because, quite simply, lives depend on them," said Acronis CEO Walter Scott. "There is no margin for error; if a product doesn't work, it simply will not be used to protect life and limb."
"Acronis is especially pleased to be working with MedAire, as well as our many other first-responders, to ensure that medical services are delivered in time of need," Scott continued.
"When a natural or not-so-natural disaster strikes, companies are not the only organizations who have servers at risk," said Stephen Lawton, Acronis director of marketing. "Our products ensure that public safety, medical, military and other government organizations have immediate access to their computer systems as well. Disasters come in all degrees - as a country we've experienced some of the very worst man and nature can throw at us. For our part, Acronis is pleased to be able to help ensure that the various first responders know that their computer systems are up and running."
Terms of the agreement between Acronis and MedAire were not released.
关于 Acronis:
Acronis 是一家全球性的网络安全公司,为托管服务提供商 (MSP)、中小型企业 (SMB) 和企业 IT 部门提供原生集成的网络安全保护、数据保护和终端管理。Acronis 解决方案非常高效,旨在通过最短的停机时间识别、阻止、检测、响应、纠正当下肆虐横行的网络威胁以及实现之后的恢复,从而确保数据完整性和业务连续性。Acronis 凭借其独特的能力,可满足多样化和分布式 IT 环境的需求,为 MSP 提供市场上最全面的安全解决方案。
Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,于 2003 年在新加坡成立,全球设有 15 个办事处,员工遍布 50 多个国家。Acronis Cyber Protect 在 26 个国家/地区提供 150 种语言版本,已被 20,000 个以上的服务提供商用于保护超过 750,000 家企业。请访问 www.acronis.com 了解更多信息。