24 de junio de 2004
Publicación de prensa

Acronis selects Wilders Security to provide the official Acronis support forum

Users can ask experts questions about Acronis True Image, Acronis Migrate Easy for free

June 24, 2004, South San Francisco, CA — Acronis, Inc., the technological leader in storage management software, announced that Wilders Security Forum has set up an Official Acronis Support Forum to augment Acronis' own e-mail support. The forum, which is designed to answer questions about Acronis True Image and Acronis Migrate Easy, is located at http://www.wilderssecurity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64 and is a joint operation between Wilders Security Forum and Acronis.

"The forum provides Acronis users with an additional source of highly qualified support engineers and experienced users," said Max Tsypliaev, chief executive officer at Acronis. "Now users will have another source of well-qualified engineers who can answer their technical questions and provide quality support at no cost."

"Users always need support," Paul Wilders, CEO of Wilders Security said. "Since our goal has always been to provide support for top notch security software only, hosting the Official Acronis Support Forum is, in fact, going for the Gold — the best software as well as the best support. Back up software is essential in order to recover from disasters," Wilders added. "Countless cries for help each day are flooding inboxes from our staff members and posted on our forums. Statistics reveal far too few users can rely on a solid back up and as a result, they have no choice but to reformat their disks and loose priceless data. We strongly recommend installing first-class back up software in this context. Acronis True Image is the software we recommend. The web has become a far too dangerous place to go without it."

To access the forum, a user can simply go to the Web site and post their question; membership is not required to post a question. Generally the question will be answered in less than one day — often within just a couple of hours.

The support team at the Official Acronis Support Forum includes many Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) who volunteer their time to provide answers and assistance to users. Some of these Microsoft MVPs work for Microsoft itself; others are engineers and programmers who hold down full-time IT jobs at other companies, Wilders said. "The Microsoft MVP designation recognizes professionals who voluntarily give their expertise to enhance the online experience and technical skills of others." Among the Microsoft MVPs who support Acronis customers is Wilders himself.

Acerca de Acronis:

Acronis es una empresa global de ciberprotección que ofrece ciberseguridad, protección de datos y gestión de endpoints integrados de forma nativa para proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP), pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) y departamentos de TI empresariales. Las soluciones de Acronis son muy eficaces y están diseñadas para identificar, prevenir, detectar, responder, remediar y recuperarse de las ciberamenazas modernas con un tiempo de inactividad mínimo, garantizando la integridad de los datos y la continuidad de la actividad empresarial. Acronis ofrece la solución de seguridad más completa del mercado para MSP, con su capacidad exclusiva para satisfacer las necesidades de entornos de TI diversos y distribuidos.

Acronis es una empresa suiza fundada en Singapur en 2003, con 15 oficinas en todo el mundo y empleados en más de 50 países. Acronis Cyber Protect está disponible en 26 idiomas en 150 países y es utilizado por más de 20,000 proveedores de servicios para proteger a más de 750,000 empresas. Obtenga más información en www.acronis.com.
Contactos de Medios:
Katya Turtseva
Vicepresidenta de Comunicaciones