
Acronis Launches Localized Versions of Acronis True Image Family in Simplified and Traditional Chinese

Software Now Shipping Throughout China, Hong Kong, Taiwan

January 4, 2005, South San Francisco, CA — Acronis Inc., the technological leader in storage management software, announced that it has begun shipping localized versions of the Acronis True Image product family in Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.

Localized products include Acronis True Image Home, Acronis True Image Enterprise Server, Acronis True Image Workstation, and Acronis True Image Server for Windows.

Acronis True Image is the company's flagship disk imaging, backup and disaster recovery product that allows users to create an exact disk image for complete system backup and bare metal restore while providing the most comprehensive data protection. The disk backup file contains the exact copy of a hard disk, including all the computer data, operating system, configuration files, security and software patches, and programs. After a system crash, the user can restore the entire system or simply replace lost files and folders from the disk backup.

"We are thrilled to be able to offer Acronis' world-class storage management solutions to the Chinese market," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "With Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified versions of Acronis True Image, we will be able to address the needs of users throughout North Asia, as well as leveraging the huge market potential of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong."

"By providing localized, Chinese-language versions of the Acronis True Image product line, Acronis Asia demonstrates its strong commitment to the Chinese market, which represents a key opportunity for growth," said Laurent Dedenis, managing director of Acronis Asia Pte Ltd. "The Chinese computing infrastructure is growing fast and disaster recovery, disk imaging and backup are key components in delivering this world-class infrastructure solution," he continued. "That reason alone underscores the need for products like the Acronis True Image family, which can protect data for enterprise servers, departmental and stand-alone servers, as well as workstations".

"We're excited about the new localization interface as it will help to further penetrate the non-English speaking Chinese market segment, which is a huge opportunity," said Patrick Y.F. Xu, sales and marketing director of Shanghai GrapeCity Information Technologies Ltd., an Acronis partner in China.

About Acronis, Inc.

Acronis offers storage management solutions that are technically advanced for mission-critical applications but easy to use. The company provides disaster recovery, backup and restore, partitioning, boot management, privacy, data migration, and other storage management products for enterprises, corporations and consumers of any qualification. Acronis has offices in the United States, Europe and Asia and sells its products through retail outlets, resellers and on the Web. For additional information, please visit www.acronis.com or contact Marketing Manager Kayla Fedorowicz at media_jp@acronis.com.

アクロニスは、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、中小企業(SMB)、およびエンタープライズ企業のIT部門向けに、ネイティブに統合されたサイバーセキュリティ 、データ保護、およびエンドポイント管理を提供するグローバルなサイバープロテクション企業です。アクロニスの効率性に優れたソリューションは、最小限のダウンタイムで最新のサイバー脅威を特定、防止、検出、対応、修復、復元し、データの完全性とビジネスの継続性を確保するように設計されています。 アクロニスは、多様で分散したIT環境のニーズを満たす独自の機能により、MSP向けに市場で最も包括的なセキュリティソリューションを提供しています。

アクロニスは2003年にシンガポールで設立されたスイス企業です。アクロニスは、世界15か所のオフィスと50カ国以上で拠点を擁しており、Acronis Cyber Protectソリューションは150カ国に26言語で提供され、2万社を超えるサービスプロバイダーで利用されており75万社を超える企業を保護しています詳細はwww.acronis.comをご参照ください。
Katya Turtseva
VP of Communications