March 31, 2020

World Cyber Protection Week Survey Reveals 42% of Organizations Suffered Data Loss Resulting in Downtime Last Year

COVID-19 pandemic proves to show: people are easiest exploited when scared. In response to peaking cyber criminals' activity around the world, the annual Acronis global survey exposes key vulnerabilities of both organizations & individuals alike

Singapore - Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, marked its inaugural World Cyber Protection Week by revealing that 42% of companies experienced a data loss event that resulted in downtime last year. That high number is likely caused by the fact that while nearly 90% are backing up the IT components they're responsible for protecting, only 41% back up daily - leaving many businesses with gaps in the valuable data available for recovery.

The figures revealed in Acronis' 2020 World Cyber Protection Week Survey illustrate the new reality that traditional strategies and solutions to data protection are no longer able to keep up with the modern IT needs of individuals and organizations. That is why Acronis has expanded World Backup Day - the annual holiday celebrated on March 31 as a reminder to back up data - to World Cyber Protection Week.

The annual survey, completed by nearly 3,000 people, gauges the protection habits of users around the globe:

· 91% of individuals back up data and devices, but 68% still lose data due to accidental deletion, hardware or software failure, or an out-of-date backup

· 85% of organizations aren't backing up multiple times per day, only 15% report they are

· 26% back up daily, 28% back up weekly, 20% back up monthly, and 10% aren't backing up at all

· Of those who don't back up, nearly 50% believe backups aren't necessary: while 42% of organizations reported data loss resulting in downtime

· Only 17% of personal users and 20% of IT professionals follow best practices, employing hybrid backups on local media and in the cloud.

These findings stress the importance of implementing a cyber protection strategy that includes backing up your data multiple times a day and practicing the 3-2-1 backup rule.

Cyber Protection Changes the Game - And The Game Changed Too

A peaking volume of COVID-19 related cyber scams was detected in Asia in the past 2 weeks - in China, Vietnam, South Korea and more. Singapore being one of the most exposed as a country. Both state-sponsored and freelancers - there is no shortage of those looking to prey on the fear and chaos caused by the global pandemic.

With increasing cyberattacks, traditional backup is targeted by cyber criminals and no longer sufficient to protect data, applications, and systems - our survey shows that relying on backup alone for true business continuity is too dangerous:

· 88% of IT professionals are concerned with ransomware, 86% - cryptojacking, 87% - social engineering attacks like phishing, and 91% - data breaches. Personal users: nearly as high, rose by 33% compared to Acronis' 2019 survey

· 30% of personal users and 12% of IT professionals wouldn't know if their data was modified unexpectedly.

· 30% of personal users and 13% of IT professionals aren't sure if their anti-malware solution stops zero-day threats

· 9% of organizations reported that they didn't know if they experienced downtime as a result of data loss this year.

To ensure complete protection, secure backups must be part of an organization's comprehensive cyber protection approach, which includes ransomware protection, disaster recovery, cybersecurity, and management tools. This deeply integrated approach also addresses the Five Vectors of Cyber Protection, delivering safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) for all data, applications, and systems.

World Cyber Protection Week Recommendations

Whether you are concerned about personal files or your company's business continuity, Acronis has five simple recommendations to ensure fast, efficient, and secure protection of your workloads:

· Always create backups of important data. Keep multiple copies of the backup both locally and in the cloud - to guarantee you have everything if a fire, flood, or disaster hits.

· Ensure your operating systems and applications are current. Relying on outdated OSes or apps means they lack the bug fixes and security patches that help block cybercriminals from gaining access to your systems.

· Beware suspicious email, links, and attachments. Most virus and ransomware infections are the result of social engineering techniques that trick unsuspecting individuals into opening infected email attachments or clicking on links to websites that host malware.

· Install anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-ransomware software while enabling automatic updates so your system is protected against malware, with the best software also able to protect against zero-day threats.

· Consider deploying an integrated cyber protection solution that combines backup, anti-ransomware, anti-virus, vulnerability assessment and patch management in a single solution. An integrated solution increases ease of use, efficiency and reliability of protection.

Find out more about how you can protect your data at:

Read more about the 2020 World Cyber Protection Week survey results here:

关于安克诺斯 (Acronis):
Acronis 实现了数据保护与网络安全 一体化,可提供集成的自动化网络保护功能,能够应对现代数字世界面临的安全性、可访问性、隐私性、真实性和可靠性 (SAPAS) 挑战。Acronis 具有灵活的部署模型,可满足服务提供商和 IT 专业人士的需求;凭借 AI 支持的创新型下一代防病毒, 备份 、灾难恢复和端点保护管理解决方案,Acronis 可以为数据、应用程序和系统提供卓越的网络安全保护。Acronis 拥有先进的反恶意软件防御机制,处于尖端的机器智能和基于区块链的数据身份验证技术将为之提供支持,可实现以较低、可预测的成本,保护包括云端部署、混合部署、内部部署在内的任意环境的安全。

Acronis 是一家瑞士公司,创立于新加坡。Acronis 拥有二十年的创新历史,在 45 个地区拥有超过 1,800+ 名员工。Acronis Cyber Protect 解决方案以 26 种语言在 150 多个国家/地区发行,20,000+ 家服务提供商使用该解决方案来保护 750,000 多家企业。
Katya Turtseva