
The Operations Guide explains key elements of the IBM ServerProven offering.
All terms not defined herein shall have the meanings indicated in the IBM PartnerWorld Agreement International Basic General Terms (PWA) and the IBM PartnerWorld Agreement International Attachment for the Use of IBM Trademarks (PWA Trademark Attachment).
- Your Product(s) means your software product to which you retain sufficient rights to provide maintenance and support and for which a Global Solutions Directory entry has been submitted and approved as specified in the Operations Guide and approved as indicated on the IBM Global Solutions Directory Web site for participants who qualify through customer experience.
- Customer Experience means (a) the information that describes an end-user who has installed and is running Your Product in a production environment on one or more IBM server product(s) and (b) the enablement activity(ies) you undertook to help insure your application is compatible with IBM servers. The Customer Experience is valid for 12 months from the date of approval by IBM.
- Mark means the word trademark "IBM ServerProven" and the IBM erverProven emblem trademark ("mark").
- Global Solutions Directory means the Web site maintained by IBM containing information related to software applications at www.ibm.com
IBM mark offerings and the IBM ServerProven mark
The goal of mark offerings is to help support the IBM strategy to achieve positive influence in the areas of brand awareness, reach and positioning. IBM wants to help increase marketplace relevance. To help satisfy these needs calls for the right balance of equities and association with the IBM brand.
Usage guidelines
These guidelines are intended to help you apply and display the IBM ServerProven mark in a professional manner that conforms to overall IBM design and usage standards. Please share these guidelines with the individuals and creative agencies responsible for applying the mark to materials being developed to promote your offerings.
IBM ServerProven offering
Value to clients, customers and IBM
The IBM ServerProven mark represents solutions that have been confirmed by IBM to be installed and running on an IBM server product in an end-user, production environment and that have completed an enablement activity.
Intended Benefits to Developer Business Partners
- Help differentiate your solutions, help increase your visibility to potential customers and, help drive customers to purchase your solutions.
- Gain additional visibility in the Global Solutions Directory
Intended Benefits to Systems Integrators (SIs) and resellers
- Identify Solutions that have been implemented to help reduce uncertainty.
- Ability to highlight services with high-profile ISV solutions.
Intended Benefits to Customers
- The IBM ServerProven designation is intended to help customers choose solutions from leading developers to help address business needs.
- Customers have chosen a solution that has been verified by IBM to be installed and running on one or more IBM servers in an end-user production environment.
Application and qualification
The offering is administered through IBM PartnerWorld®. You must be a member of IBM PartnerWorld and have a current entry in the Global Solutions Directory for the solution you intend to submit for ServerProven designation.
In order to qualify for the IBM ServerProven offering.
Qualifying through customer experience
To participate in IBM ServerProven, you must maintain: (a) your membership in IBM PartnerWorld, (b) an approved entry of Your Product in the Global Solutions Directory, and c) a valid Customer Experience approved by IBM.
You must complete and electronically submit a Customer Experience to IBM. The installation of Your Product(s) with IBM System(s) and completion of the enablement activity as documented in the Customer Experience must have occurred no more than twenty four (24) months prior to your submission of the Customer Experience to IBM. You are required to document specific details regarding installation of your solution in an end-user production environment as well as indicate the enablement activities you undertook to ensure your application is compatible with IBM server. The information is confirmed by a third party, acting on behalf of IBM. Upon verification and approval by IBM of your Customer Experience, Your Product will be designated as IBM ServerProven for the IBM System(s) indicated in the Customer Experience. IBM will inform you of the final acceptance or rejection of your Customer Experience by sending notification to your primary company contact listed with PartnerWorld (e-mail is sufficient).
Your continued participation in IBM ServerProven is subject to maintaining a current, approved Customer Experience.
If your Customer Experience is approved by IBM, Your Product will be identified as IBM ServerProven on the Global Solutions Directory Web site and you will be licensed to use the Mark for the specified IBM server product(s) that is included in the approved Customer Experience(s).
The complete application process for IBM ServerProven is available on the Global Solutions Directory site by choosing the option "Manage Solutions" on this site: www.ibm.com
PartnerWorld Advanced Level
For Customer Experience qualification, if your solution is installed in an end-user environment on IBM server and utilizes IBM middleware or software, you are eligible to apply for Advanced-level membership in IBM PartnerWorld. The Advanced-level application form is available from the Global Solutions Directory www.ibm.com and also allows you to apply for IBM ServerProven™.
Your IBM ServerProven designation is valid for twelve (12) months after approval by IBM. After twelve months your IBM ServerProven designation expires unless renewed as set forth below.
Upon expiration or termination, you will no longer be authorized to use the Marks, you agree to promptly stop using them, and your customers will no longer be able to take advantage of any associated special offers and rebates.
Your company's primary company contact for PartnerWorld will receive an e-mail notification from IBM approximately 60 days and again at 30 days prior to expiration of your IBM ServerProven designation. To renew your IBM ServerProven designation, you must submit a new Customer Experience prior to expiration of your IBM ServerProven term. If you do not comply with the renewal requirements, your approval to use the IBM ServerProven designation will terminate.
A Customer Experience documents information regarding installation of your application at an end-user customer along with application enablement activities you undertook pertaining to your solution. As part of the renewal process, you must also indicate or update your most recent enablement activity pertaining to the particular solution, which must have taken place within the last 24 months. The requirements for a customer experience to renew your IBM ServerProven designation are as follows:
- You can submit the same solution as used in your current approved Customer Experience, but the installation of the solution must be at a different customer. You will also need to have an additional enablement activity pertaining to this solution.
- You can submit a different solution than was used in your current approved customer experience, even if the installation of the solution was at the same customer. You will also need to submit an additional enablement activity pertaining to this solution.
- You cannot submit a solution and customer combination for which you previously earned the IBM ServerProven designation.
Note: Renewal of an IBM ServerProven designation requires submission of a Customer Experience. After approval by IBM, your IBM ServerProven designation will be extended for an additional twelve (12) months.
In addition to these guidelines, your participation in the IBM ServerProven offering is governed by the following agreements:
- IBM PartnerWorld Agreement
- IBM PartnerWorld Agreement International Attachment for the Use of IBM Trademarks
- IBM PartnerWorld Agreement International Supplement for the Use of IBM Trademarks IBM ServerProven
Offering naming references
The first reference to IBM ServerProven in text should always use the full name, "IBM ServerProven." IBM ServerProven is written as two words with capitals S and P.
The trademark symbol (™) should be placed after the first use of IBM ServerProven in body copy and the appropriate attribution given.
Subsequent occurrences may use the approved short name of 'ServerProven.'
Mark usage guidelines
Participants in the IBM ServerProven offering are authorized by IBM to use the respective offering mark for only the application and offering where approval has been granted. The mark helps authenticate your relationship with IBM.
You are encouraged to use the marks in your marketing materials and Web sites according to these usage guidelines and the IBM PartnerWorld Agreement and its applicable Attachments and Supplements.
IBM ServerProven mark
The IBM ServerProven mark consists of the IBM logo and the IBM ServerProven name. It is available in formats for printed and online use. In printed material, a minimum border should be placed around the mark that is equal to half the height of the mark.
The mark can be used only on specific marketing materials as defined in the respective Attachments and Supplements to the IBM PartnerWorld Agreement and only to promote your IBM ServerProven solutions. The mark cannot be used to promote your company. The mark may not be redesigned, embellished or combined with other symbols or identifiers. Consistent application is essential in establishing recognition and equity in these IBM trademarks. With that in mind:
- Do not change the color of the mark or re-create the artwork for the mark.
- Do not place the mark at an angle.
- Do not reset the words in a different font.
- Do not print the mark on a color that is the same or close to that of the mark.
- Do not create a joint identity using the mark with a company logo.
- Do not add tag lines to the mark.
- Do not animate the mark on your Web site, or use it as a linking device to another Web page or Web site. Use the mark simply as a graphic.
- Do not stretch, distort, create three-dimensional versions, or otherwise modify the mark.
- Do not omit the text reference to IBM trademarks.
On printed brochures, specification sheets, case studies, flyers, folders, and so on, the mark should appear at the bottom left or bottom right side of the first page. It should not be larger than your logo and should be in proportion with any other trademarks that appear there. The mark should be distinct from all other copy and graphics.
You may use the mark on your Web site subject to the same design guidelines for using it in print. Use of the IBM eight-bar logotype or other copyrighted artwork is not permitted unless otherwise authorized.
Access to IBM ServerProven mark
Authorized users can download a .zip file containing multiple file formats of the IBM ServerProven mark for use in printed and online materials. Visit: Web site TBD
The following attributions should be placed on all materials that use an IBM ServerProven mark. On a Web site you can link the phrase "IBM ServerProven legal" to the following attribution.
"IBM ServerProven is a marketing offering. Use of the IBM ServerProven trademark on a product indicates the participant has obtained approval of a submission of information concerning one or more end user customers that have implemented its product on the indicated IBM hardware or software platform(s) and engaged in an enablement activity. IBM does not warrant that results obtained in end-user customer experiences are typical of those encountered by the participant's customer, nor that any installation will be free of errors. Potential customers of this product(s) are responsible for determining whether any particular participant's products or services are suitable for their own needs. The participant should be contacted regarding this software product and such items as installation, support, education, documentation, maintenance and any other terms and conditions. All understanding, agreements, or warranties concerning any product must take place directly between the participant and the customer.
IBM makes no warranties of any kind with respect to the participant's product. Specifically, IBM does not warrant the quality of any third-party products, or the ability of any such third-party products to interoperate with IBM's products. IBM expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
This disclaimer does not apply in the United Kingdom or elsewhere to the extent inconsistent with local law."
Contact us if you have questions regarding IBM ServerProven and/or IBM PartnerWorld Advanced level by sending an e-mail to pwisv@us.ibm.com.
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