Acronis Cyber Protect
formerly Acronis Cyber Backup

Windows XP's fate is sealed. On April 8, Microsoft will discontinue support and updates to the more than decade-old operating system. The deadline is no secret, but that doesn't mean businesses are ready for life beyond XP. More than 95 percent of ATMs in the U.S., for example, still run on the soon-to-expire OS, highlighting the data protection and security hurdles businesses must deal with. Here's a look at what the experts around the web have to say about XP's final days and other data-related IT challenges: 

Windows XP-ration Date Draws Nearer

Microsoft extended support for XP for more than 12 years, nearly an eternity in software. But the run comes to an end next month, and experts predict remaining XP users will be vulnerable to attack. "Our guidance is that you need to get off XP. It's really that black and white," Microsoft spokesman Tom Murphy tells the Wall Street Journal. So, where should loyal XP users turn? Joanna Stern, the Journal's personal technology consultant, lays out several options. 

Read more at WSJ

BYOD: 3 Ways to Avoid HIPAA Violations 

For healthcare companies and employees, a BYOD mobility program offers benefits such as reduced cost and the freedom to use preferred devices. But when it comes to compliance with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a data breach can be disastrous. It doesn't matter whether the device is provided by the hospital or employee, the hospital will be held responsible. In a new white paper, CDW consultants outline the BYOD risks in healthcare and how organizations can avoid them.     

Read more at GovHealthIT  

Users Turn to Cloud — With or Without IT Approval

A recent Microsoft-commissioned study of the hybrid cloud market, conducted by 451 Research, suggests that a significant amount of cloud usage remains hidden from businesses. The report suggests that on-premises software is still the dominant choice for most businesses, but that employees increasingly seek out their own cloud solutions without IT's consent. "Forty-four percent of executives admit that there are a lot of off-budget purchases or implementations of cloud taking place within their enterprises," writes Forbes contributor Joe McKendrick. "One in five indicate that there is even a 'significant' amount of shadow IT spending on cloud resources taking place under their noses." 

Read more at Forbes  

Experiences Matter: Put People Before Technology

The consumerization of IT is bringing big changes to the enterprise, but not fast enough, writes Okta CEO Todd McKinnon in re/code. Enterprise software companies can learn a thing or two from their consumer counterparts. These days, people demand personalized, real-time, simple and completely mobile experiences in their software, whether it's for work or play. That line, after all, is more difficult than ever to identify. "It is no longer in the business of managing systems or resetting passwords, but instead, it's putting the power of information back into the hands of users and delivering experiences that enable that information to be instantly accessed, analyzed and acted upon," McKinnon writes. 

Read more at re/code  

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.