DeviceLock Enterprise Server : Administering DeviceLock Enterprise Server : Server Options : Managing Server Options
Managing Server Options
Use the shortcut menu available by a right mouse click, or double-click Stream compression, to enable or disable this parameter. By enabling Stream compression, you instruct DeviceLock to compress audit logs and shadow data when transmitting them from a DeviceLock Service to the DeviceLock Enterprise Server. Compression decreases the volume of the transferred data, thereby reducing network load.
By enabling the Unpack ISO images parameter, you cause the DeviceLock Enterprise Server to extract files from shadowed CD/DVD/BD images. If this parameter is enabled, all files are extracted from CD/DVD/BD images upon delivery to the server and stored in the database separately (one record per file). Otherwise, whole shadowed CD/DVD/BD images are stored in the database.
By enabling the Session volume limit for data collection (MB) parameter, you can limit the volume of data gathered from a single computer in order to potentially enhance overall collection performance when gathering data. Enabling this parameter is helpful when a large amount of data gathered from some computers prevents the DeviceLock Enterprise Server from finishing the procedure for all requests in a reasonable timespan. If this parameter is enabled, the DeviceLock Enterprise Server only gathers the specified amount of data (default value for the parameter is 1024 MB), and then starts gathering data from the next computer request without terminating the previous connection or process.
Use the Properties command from the shortcut menu on other parameters to view or change their settings in the dialog box that appears. Alternatively, you can double-click the parameter to open its dialog box.
To run the configuration wizard and review or set parameters step by step, choose the Properties command from the shortcut menu on the Server Options node. The respective parameter settings and the configuration wizard are described in the sections that cover installation of DeviceLock Enterprise Server (see Service account and connection settings, Server administrators and certificate, License information, Database settings).