April 03, 2020

Backup and Storage Through the Ages

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Backup and Storage Through the Ages

The history of backup and storage is full of moments where the technology that was once on the cutting-edge proves unable to keep up with the needs of their users and the threats that face them. Today, another of those moments has come.

Traditional backup solutions are often no longer enough to protect the data you rely on. With increased system complexity and increased threat sophistication, you need solutions that keep your data, applications, and systems safe, accessible, private, authentic, and secure - anytime, anywhere.

Learn how Acronis Cyber Protection solutions provide just that through an innovative integration of data protection and cybersecurity technologies with this infographic. In it, you'll take a look back at all the advances that helped shape modern backup and storage and see how cyber protection serves as the next step needed to modernize your IT environment’s defenses and make sure you stay safe and successful long enough to see whatever comes next in the digital world.