Here are 8 rules to keep your work safe and save you money if your laptop computer fails due to hardware or software problems
August 18, 2006, Burlington, MA Traveling by air, rail or automobile with your laptop and other electronic devices isn't as easy as it used to be. With all of the fear, uncertainty and doubt caused by recent terrorist threats, rethinking how you travel with your electronic devices is taking on more importance. Thus, to backup your laptop hard drive is a must, since laptop backup allows you to retrieve your data in minutes, not hours or days.
Acronis, Inc. (, the technological leader in storage management software, has come up with several recommendations concerning laptop backup that could aid the business and casual traveler to ensure their data is safe and secure. To backup laptop data properly, follow the tips:
- Image your laptop Create an image of your hard disk. This
backup laptop image, which includes all operating system,
applications, configuration files and data, can be used to restore
your system to a known, working condition should the laptop disk
drive be damaged or corrupted.
- Use an external hard disk Store and carry an image of your
computer on a USB hard disk or thumb drive. This will help you
enormously should your computer be damaged during your
- Use a hidden partition to save your image A hidden partition
on a hard disk can be used to store a complete image of your
computer. Should your hard disk fail due to a virus, spyware or bad
software install, you can get your system running again in minutes
by restoring the image of the disk from this hidden partition on
the hard disk. Microsoft Windows does not need to be working in
order to restore your computer back to its former working
- Plan ahead Use an external hard disk or a USB thumb drive to
store critical data files, such as presentations. If your computer
is lost or stolen, you can always use the files on the external
disk to get you through a presentation.
- Use your corporate network If your company has a corporate
network, create an image of your hard disk and store it on the
network. If your computer is damaged during transit, you can access
this stored image over the network and retrieve important data
files. You also can use one of the Internet-based storage sites to
save your image.
- Restore to a new computer Make sure your disk imaging and
backup software can restore the image of your old computer to new,
dissimilar hardware. Chances are that if your laptop is lost or
stolen, your new computer will have different hardware, requiring
different drivers. Only software that can restore an image to
dissimilar hardware can get you up and running; some programs only
allow you to restore your image to exactly the same
- Beware volatile batteries Recent news events confirm that
accidents happen, including laptops catching fire. Protect your
work. Protect your wallet. Image your hard disk so that if your
hardware is damaged, you can get back to work quickly.
- Keep abreast of travel rules Currently, the U.S.
Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) has no restrictions on
traveling with computers. However, rules change as worldwide events
change. Before you travel, check the TSA Web site for any new
restrictions. The web site address is
Acerca de Acronis:
Acronis es una empresa global de ciberprotección que ofrece ciberseguridad, protección de datos y gestión de endpoints integrados de forma nativa para proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP), pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) y departamentos de TI empresariales. Las soluciones de Acronis son muy eficaces y están diseñadas para identificar, prevenir, detectar, responder, remediar y recuperarse de las ciberamenazas modernas con un tiempo de inactividad mínimo, garantizando la integridad de los datos y la continuidad de la actividad empresarial. Acronis ofrece la solución de seguridad más completa del mercado para MSP, con su capacidad exclusiva para satisfacer las necesidades de entornos de TI diversos y distribuidos.
Acronis es una empresa suiza fundada en Singapur en 2003, con 15 oficinas en todo el mundo y empleados en más de 50 países. Acronis Cyber Protect está disponible en 26 idiomas en 150 países y es utilizado por más de 20,000 proveedores de servicios para proteger a más de 750,000 empresas. Obtenga más información en