BURLINGTON, Mass., May 29, 2008 - Acronis SAS (www.acronis.com/es-mx/), a provider of affordable, scalable storage management and disaster recovery software, announced today the June dates for its three free webinar series on protecting valuable data, configuring computers, and backup and recovery of MS SQL Servers.
The first free webinar is about Acronis' latest product update, Acronis Snap Deploy 3.0. The software enables IT managers to quickly and easily configure and deploy multiple computers.
What: | Fast and Easy PC Deployment with Acronis Snap Deploy |
When: | Bi-weekly on Wednesdays (June 11, 25) at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT |
Register: | http://www.acronis.com/promo/ASDwebinar/ |
Once per month, the company also offers a webinar on how Acronis Recovery for MS SQL Server significantly reduces disaster recovery time so organizations can be up and running again in minutes instead of hours.
What: | SQL Server Protection with Acronis Recovery |
When: | June 3 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT |
Register: | http://www.acronis.com/promo/SQLwebinar/ |
While backing up data is necessary, Acronis believes the recovery of data is most important specifically how fast users can recover and become productive again. Disk-based image backup and recovery has never been faster or easier. Participants in the third webinar series offered by Acronis, this one weekly, will learn about the challenge of reliable backup and recovery and what to look for in protecting a company's critical data.
What: | Data Protection Made Easy with Acronis True Image Echo |
When: | Every Thursday (June 5, 12, 19, 26) at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT |
Register: | http://www.acronis.com/promo/webinars-press-2008/ |
"Losing even a single day trying to recover from data loss is annoying at best or can significantly impact the bottom line, at worst," said Walter Scott, CEO of Acronis. "During these webinars, Acronis' technical specialists discuss what backup and recovery options exist and how to make the right decision for you and your business."
There is a live demonstration and Q&A with each webinar.
Acerca de Acronis:
Acronis es una empresa global de ciberprotección que ofrece ciberseguridad, protección de datos y gestión de endpoints integrados de forma nativa para proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP), pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) y departamentos de TI empresariales. Las soluciones de Acronis son muy eficaces y están diseñadas para identificar, prevenir, detectar, responder, remediar y recuperarse de las ciberamenazas modernas con un tiempo de inactividad mínimo, garantizando la integridad de los datos y la continuidad de la actividad empresarial. Acronis ofrece la solución de seguridad más completa del mercado para MSP, con su capacidad exclusiva para satisfacer las necesidades de entornos de TI diversos y distribuidos.
Acronis es una empresa suiza fundada en Singapur en 2003, con 15 oficinas en todo el mundo y empleados en más de 50 países. Acronis Cyber Protect está disponible en 26 idiomas en 150 países y es utilizado por más de 20,000 proveedores de servicios para proteger a más de 750,000 empresas. Obtenga más información en www.acronis.com.