28 maggio 2020
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Acronis Enters Official AI Partnership with A.S. Roma

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Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced the Official Artificial Intelligence partnership with Associazione Sportiva Roma, an Italian professional football club. Under the agreement, Acronis will be providing AI and Machine Learning (ML) solutions to process football data to optimise game and business operations, and cyber protection solutions for mission-critical workloads.

A.S. Roma's Chief Operating Officer, Francesco Calvo, shared his thoughts on the importance of the partnership. "The sport of football is constantly evolving, and we have entered an age where we are more dependent than ever before on data to make game-winning calls. However, the more important data is the more at risk it becomes. This is why we are partnering up with Acronis to not only help us analyse and improve the quality of the data we collect, but also to protect it. We are excited to be #CyberFit with Acronis."

AI/ML technology is a major factor of the partnership. Not only is it being applied in data analysis, but it is also a core part of many of the solutions that AS Roma will be using to protect their systems. One such solution is Acronis Cyber Protect, an AI-powered integration of data protection and cyber security. Everything an organisation needs to protect itself from cyber threats and data loss, including backup and recovery, anti-malware, and security management, can be managed from a single console.

Acronis' Senior Vice President, Jan-Jaap Jager, explains the major factors that drew AS Roma to Acronis. "Using a patchwork of solutions for anti-malware, backup, and so on leaves gaps in the system that can be exploited by cybercriminals. Acronis Cyber Protect ensures that organisations like AS Roma can rest easy knowing their data is secure, while also encountering minimum disruptions to their day-to-day operations. Acronis is also working not only to protect AS Roma's data, but also analyse it. AI and ML technologies will help the club in the back office and on the pitch, especially as the country recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic."

Acronis helps partners and customers worldwide to address the Safety, Accessibility, Privacy, Authenticity, and Security (SAPAS) of workloads. Acronis is also helping organisations and individuals secure remote workloads during the COVID-19 outbreak.

For more information about Acronis #CyberFit Sports Partnerships, visit https://acronis.sport

Informazioni su Acronis:

Acronis, leader globale nella Cyber Protection, fornisce soluzioni che integrano nativamente Cyber Security, protezione dei dati e gestione degli endpoint, progettate per i Managed Service Provider (MSP), le piccole e medie imprese (PMI) e reparti IT aziendali. Le soluzioni di Acronis sono altamente efficienti e progettate per identificare, prevenire, rilevare, rispondere, risolvere e ripristinare dai moderni cyberthreats con un tempo di inattività minimo, garantendo l'integrità dei dati e la continuità aziendale. Grazie alla straordinaria capacità di soddisfare le esigenze degli attuali ambienti IT, eterogenei e distribuiti, Acronis offre agli MSP la soluzione di sicurezza più completa del mercato.

Società svizzera fondata a Singapore nel 2003, Acronis conta 15 sedi in tutto il mondo e dipendenti in oltre 50 paesi. La soluzione Acronis Cyber Protect è disponibile in 26 lingue e in 150 paesi, ed è utilizzata da oltre 20,000 Service Provider per proteggere più di 750,000 aziende. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita il sito www.acronis.com.
Contatti stampa:
Katya Turtseva
Vicepresidente per le comunicazioni