08 October 2020  —  Amy Luby

#AcronisCyberSummit Preview with Marketing Guru Louis Gudema

Acronis Cyber Protect
formerly Acronis Cyber Backup

I had the great pleasure of sitting down with tech marketing guru Louis Gudema the other day to talk about his marketing consulting services, his book Bullseye Marketing, and what he’s doing with and for Acronis partners at this year’s Acronis Global Cyber Summit to help them raise their marketing game in this post-pandemic world.

Louis brings 30 years of marketing experience to the Acronis partner ecosystem, along with experience mentoring tech start-ups at MIT and working with tech clients of all sizes – from start-ups to enterprises. His past clients includes IBM, EMC, and COGNOS. Below you can watch our full conversation and an at-a-glance view of some of the biggest highlights.

Generally speaking, Louis helps his clients in one of two ways, depending on their stage of growth:

  1. Helping develop a marketing plan for clients who need help getting started
  2. Serving as a Fractional Head of Marketing for clients who don’t have a marketing leader to drive execution.

Louis’ outlook on how to pivot post-COVID

Louis says that the tech industry is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the current climate, particularly because organizations within it are good at using technology. Marketing technology gives organizations a huge leg up, so if an organization is not tech-oriented they often are struggling through today’s challenges. Software companies in particular, Louis says, have the advantage.

In our interview, Louis also explains his nine-point digital marketing scorecard. He developed the scorecard so that when he was assessing a lead he could get an idea of how sophisticated or robust their marketing was. With it, he’s able to assess in five minutes or less if it was a good lead for his organization or not and project that company’s ability to grow their organization based on his scorecard.

Partnering with Acronis

Louis has created a series of webinars for our partners outlining his process originally introduced in his book, Bullseye Marketing. Our partners can access them all through our learning platform. To gain access, contact your Acronis account manager.

At the Acronis Global Cyber Summit, Louis will be leading two sessions: a panel with three channel marketing leaders and a workshop on Bullseye Marketing. Attend these sessions to learn more about how you can drive more sales through hyper-efficient marketing.

#1 marketing tip from Louis

Marketing is all about execution!  Marketing is a consistent, long-term effort that pays out big, but most companies aren’t doing routine marketing. The most important thing is to create a plan and consistently execute that plan over time.

To join Louis for his sessions and learn how your organization can accelerate through a new approach to marketing, register for the Acronis Global Cyber Summit and build your agenda today.

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.