
Ensure uptime with robust backup and recovery for manufacturing

Keep your operations running smoothly and protect critical data with Acronis' reliable backup and recovery solution. Discover how our technology empowers automated factory floor operations, minimizing downtime and maximizing profitability. Enhance your operational technology (OT) server uptime and secure your manufacturing processes today.

Acronis excels in OT server restoral for manufacturing

  • Reduces downtime of factory-floor operations

    With advanced monitoring systems and real-time diagnostics, our proactive approach ensures minimal downtime and allows for quick restoral of OT servers.

  • Supports outdated operating systems

    Acronis legacy OS support ensures that even very old OT servers can be fully protected and quickly restored in the event of a system failure, software glitch, or power outage.

  • Enables OT restoral operations without the need for onsite IT support

    Deploy a data protection solution that is easy to manage, with automation features that enable push-button backup and recovery for the entire factory.

A recent customer success story

ABB uses Acronis to reduce costly downtime

  • Description
    ABB customers avoid business interruptions by restoring the functions of any system in a matter of seconds.
  • Key challenges
    Challenges included inefficient recovery operations due to poor standardization, backup automation obstacles and complex management due to intricate systems.
  • Risks
    ABB required automatic backups for rapid restarts and universal restore. The solution needed to recover images from any hardware, brand or model, with consistent functionality across systems.
  • Our solution
    Acronis provides standardized, schedule backups of OT servers that enable rapid restoral to existing hardware or new hardware if necessary.

A unified solution for cyber protection of manufacturing IT and OT environments

Acronis Cyber Protect enables secure backup and recovery of operating systems, applications and data. It ensures data availability and resilience during data loss, hardware failure or disasters. Integration of anti-malware, AI-based threat detection and patch management enhances data security and protects against ransomware and other malware attacks.

  • Server protection features

    Server protection features

    Centrally manage unlimited IT and OT servers. Backup and assess vulnerabilities in physical and virtual machines using a single protection plan.
  • System availability

    System availability

    Ensure high system availability and reduce downtime with recovery options, including instant restore features for systems and applications.
  • Fail-safe patching

    Fail-safe patching

    Prevent system damage from bad patches. Automatic image backup before patch implementation allows restoration and rollback if issues arise.
  • Continuous data protection

    Continuous data protection

    Securely backup and protect OT and IT servers and data in real-time. Acronis agents monitor application changes, ensuring recent data is preserved during machine re-imaging.

Secure your back-office applications

Acronis Cyber Protect provides manufacturing IT operations staffs with a single, integrated solution to deliver backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint security (including AI-enabled ransomware protection) for both back office IT resources and factory-floor OT servers.

  • Quick, reliable backup and restoral

    Quick, reliable backup and restoral

    Customize your recovery point objective (RPO) for each critical application and data set. By optimizing RPOs, you can ensure recovery of the most up-to-date data possible.
  • Integrated disaster recovery

    Integrated disaster recovery

    Get complete data and infrastructure protection with one integrated solution for any environment — on-premises, in remote systems or the cloud.
  • Fast, flexible data protection

    Fast, flexible data protection

    Ensure quick failover of your critical workloads to the cloud. Gain instant data availability of all critical workloads no matter what kind of disaster strikes.
  • Robust cybersecurity

    Robust cybersecurity

    Protect your physical servers, VMs, workstations and laptops against a broad range of cybersecurity threats, including ransomware attacks.

Why clients value Acronis

Acronis Helps ABB Mitigate Downtime With Quick Data Recovery
Case study
Acronis Helps ABB Mitigate Downtime With Quick Data Recovery
With the Acronis solution, ABB customers can avoid costly business interruptions by restoring the functions of any system in a matter of seconds.
Case study
Acronis enhances backup for BDR pharmaceuticals and reduces CapEx by 30%
Acronis has proven to be beneficial for BDR Pharmaceuticals, leading to large financial savings, improvements in RPO and RTO metrics, and a 10% reduction in network bandwidth consumption.
Case study
Tata Steel modernizes its backup infrastructure
Learn how Tata Steel upgraded its infrastructure with cloud-based backup, automation and enhanced data center security. Doing so increased protected workloads by 50x and improved both RTO and RPO.

What our customers say 4.8

  • Awesome solution with advanced features

    Cyber protection of backups. The best-recommended solution for any business that needs to protect its backups from any cyber attacks and a pack with complete backup security.

    Akbar Q
    Infrastructure engineer
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
  • Incredibly easy to use

    The software is incredibly easy to use. We use this to backup all of our customer's servers and cloud services. Restoring is very easy.

    James H.
    Verified Acronis user
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
  • Acronis Cyber Protect is a pleasure

    It is really cleverly designed, integrates very easily, and the rollout to machines is a pleasure. Single pane of glass view across all sites where you have it rolled out.

    Martin V.
    Senior Engineer
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
    Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate

Your business deserves proven cyber protection

Approved corporate endpoint protection for macOS
Approved corporate endpoint protection for macOS
AV-TEST Approved Advanced Endpoint Detection and Response certification
AV-TEST Approved Advanced Endpoint Detection and Response certification
OPSWAT Platinum certification for anti-malware
OPSWAT Platinum certification for anti-malware
ICSA Labs endpoint anti-malware certified
ICSA Labs endpoint anti-malware certified
AV-Comparatives participant and test winner
AV-Comparatives participant and test winner
G2 Server Backup Leader
G2 Server Backup Leader
Best of IT - Enterprise Data Backup Solution Award
Best of IT - Enterprise Data Backup Solution Award
Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions
Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions
ITreview Grid Award Summer
ITreview Grid Award Summer
Microsoft Virus Initiative member
Microsoft Virus Initiative member
Learn more

Looking for help?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should a backup and recovery plan include for the manufacturing industry?

    A cyber protection plan for the manufacturing industry should ensure the protection and availability of critical data and systems against a variety of potential downtime causes, including hardware failure, software issues, human errors, natural disasters, and cyberattacks. The key elements include:

    Rapid OT server restoral to prevent costly factory-floor outages. High-performance Acronis OT server protection is trusted by many OT application vendors.
    Data backup involves regular creation and storage of copies of critical data on-site and off-site.
    • Recovery solutions ensure prompt restoration of data and systems in case of loss, failures or cyberattacks. Regular testing and validation of recovery procedures are essential.
    Disaster recovery focuses on overall business operations restoration after major disruptions, employing measures like redundant infrastructure, alternate sites and communication channels.
    Integrated cybersecurity capabilities to defend against a variety of malware attacks, including ransomware.
  • What are the 3 types of backups that can be used in manufacturing industry?

    Three types of backups that can be used in the manufacturing industry include:

    Regular and automated backups: Perform regular automated backups for timely data protection. Consider data change frequency and potential loss impact for backup intervals. Real-time or frequent backups are recommended for dynamic data.

    Incremental and full backups: Optimize storage space and backup duration by using incremental and full backups. Incremental backups capture only the changes since the last backup, reducing time and storage needs. Periodic full backups guarantee a complete data copy is always available.

    Off-site backup: Ensure protection against site-specific disasters or physical threats that could affect on-site backups by maintaining off-site backups. Store them securely in separate locations, ideally geographically distant from the primary data center.
  • Which type of backup is most efficient?

    The most efficient data backup solution for the manufacturing industry depends on various factors such as the size of the manufacturing operations, the criticality of the data, available resources and budget. It’s best to have a hybrid approach that combines on-site backups and cloud backups.

    • On-site backups offer fast data access and faster recovery times. They use devices like external hard drives, NAS, or tape drives for backing up large volumes of critical data.
    • Cloud backups offer secure off-site storage and additional layers of protection.

    By combining on-site backups for quick accessibility and cloud backups for off-site redundancy and disaster recovery, manufacturing companies can ensure data protection, reduce downtime and have a flexible backup and recovery strategy.
  • What is the 321 backup rule and does it apply to the manufacturing industry?

    The 3-2-1 backup rule is a widely accepted principle for ensuring data resilience. The rule states that you should have:

    Three copies of your data: Maintain at least three copies of your critical data to minimize the risk of complete data loss in the event of hardware failure, human error or cyberthreats.
    Two different storage media: Store your data on at least two different types of media (e.g., hard drives, tapes, cloud storage) and reduce the likelihood of losing all copies due to a single failure or issue affecting a specific storage type.
    One off-site backup: Keeping at least one copy of your data off-site (in a different location or using cloud storage) provides protection against site-specific disasters like natural disasters or cyberattacks.

    Data backup and recovery are essential for maintaining operational efficiency and minimizing downtime. By implementing the 3-2-1 backup rule, manufacturing organizations can enhance their data protection measures.
    Product help
    In case you have any difficulties, product materials can be found in our Knowledge Base. You can also post questions on our discussion boards.
    Technical support
    For subscription owners, there is free, 24-hour technical support. Refer to the Technical Support Site to find the appropriate support contact.

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