Acronis Products to Be Available in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, Camdobia, Laos, and Vietnam
September 14, 2004, South San Francisco, CA Acronis, Inc., the technological leader in systems software development, announced it has extended the contract of Singapore-based distributor TopAZ Solutions Pte Ltd. to sell Acronis systems management software to retail outlets, as well as to corporate and small to mid-size business users, in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Terms of the agreement were not released.
"Our relationship with Acronis demonstrates how strong the market is in Southeast Asia for best-of-breed disaster recovery and other disk management tools," said Patricia Leong, sales and marketing manager at TopAZ Solutions Pte Ltd. "By offering the full line of Acronis storage and systems management applications, we can best serve our Southeast Asian retailers and resellers.
"Business-critical application like Acronis True Image Server for Windows and Linux drive down IT costs by protecting a company's most critical computing assets it's data. In light of the challenges corporate users are facing today due to possible viruses and intrusions, we see a significant value in helping corporate customers protect their vital assets," Leong added. "Acronis also offers similar backup and storage management products for end users."
"Adding TopAZ Solutions' sales and marketing muscle to expand retail sales will further enhance the Acronis brand in Southeast Asia," said Acronis CEO Max Tsypliaev. "TopAZ Solutions has a proven track record and is well-positioned to leverage its network of resellers and retailers to carry Acronis' full line of storage and systems management tools.
"We are extremely happy to extend our relationship with TopAZ Solutions," Tsypliaev added. "We have built an effective partnership and TopAZ Solutions' ability to reach the retail and corporate user continues to make it possible for Acronis to provide the best disaster recovery, storage management and systems utilities to the market."
Resellers and retailers interested in carrying Acronis software in these Southeast Asian countries should contact TopAZ Solutions in Singapore at +6562958603 or email:, website :
アクロニスは、マネージドサービスプロバイダー(MSP)、中小企業(SMB)、およびエンタープライズ企業のIT部門向けに、ネイティブに統合されたサイバーセキュリティ 、データ保護、およびエンドポイント管理を提供するグローバルなサイバープロテクション企業です。アクロニスの効率性に優れたソリューションは、最小限のダウンタイムで最新のサイバー脅威を特定、防止、検出、対応、修復、復元し、データの完全性とビジネスの継続性を確保するように設計されています。 アクロニスは、多様で分散したIT環境のニーズを満たす独自の機能により、MSP向けに市場で最も包括的なセキュリティソリューションを提供しています。
アクロニスは2003年にシンガポールで設立されたスイス企業です。アクロニスは、世界15か所のオフィスと50カ国以上で拠点を擁しており、Acronis Cyber Protectソリューションは150カ国に26言語で提供され、2万社を超えるサービスプロバイダーで利用されており75万社を超える企業を保護しています詳細はwww.acronis.comをご参照ください。