16 October 2024

12 steps to make your business more cyber resilient

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12 steps to make your business more cyber resilient

Fight AI-enabled ransomware and other threats with integrated defense and recovery

The number of email attacks has increased by almost 300% in the last year, with cyberattackers using AI to increase the frequency and effectiveness of ransomware attacks and other threats. 

Without a cyber resilience plan, your business could suffer if you experience a cyberattack. You need a plan that will enable you to ward off and recover from ransomware incidents with minimal damage. In this infographic, you’ll discover a 12-step plan that you can use to protect yourself. 

You'll learn:

  • How your organization can achieve better regulatory compliance, improved alignment with cybersecurity frameworks and easier qualification for cyber insurance.
  • How to implement defensive measures, including deploying EDR, updating email security and eliminating network exposure.
  • How to sharpen IT security skills and processes, including employing security awareness training and automated patch management. 
  • How to implement recovery measures such as a disaster recovery program and an incident response plan.

The most important element of cyber defense is to be prepared for an attack. Learn how you can set up a plan to keep your data safe and your business up and running in the face of escalating ransomware threats.

Download the infographic today.