Acronis Cyber Protect
formerly Acronis Cyber Backup

Backing up data may seem like a hassle, but it's important — especially when it comes to recovering data that could otherwise be lost. Thinking about linking a device to a computer or waiting while it syncs with the cloud seems like a productivity killer but, in fact, it could be a productivity saver.

Businesses' adoption of cloud, mobile, virtual and other technologies have complicated IT's data protection task. Changing practices among both businesses and employees won't happen overnight, but, according to Enterprise Storage Forum reporter Drew Robb, there are some steps any employee or company can take to save information and time:

  1. Widen Your Scope: Help employees understand why a backup happens, and why it's important to protect data. Of course, it goes beyond simply finding a place to store data — it's about protection, process and productivity. 
  2. Simplify: Use a single system to backup. This way employees won't be confused about what information gets backed up, or where it gets backed up to. With less confusion about where the information is going, IT pros and employees alike will be more apt to secure the data.
  3. Deduplicate: Don't back up the same thing 300 times. Finding a system that can recognize duplicate files will save network slowdowns and backup hassles.
  4. Use an Appliance: Investing in an appliance may make sense for some companies (especially if cutting down on IT staff), so a purpose-built backup and deduplication appliance (PBBA) is one way to simplify data recovery.
  5. Establish the HierarchyTake a hard look at applications and systems to know what data should be protected (and at what level).
  6. Unify Protection: As companies grow, the need for more backup solutions may be necessary. Investing in a unified system is important to avoid unnecessary data protection hassles.
  7. Account for Scale: Don't force legacy systems to integrate with new adoptions. If they don't agree with each other, set certain systems free.
  8. Provide Granular Recovery: Companies often create their own private or hybrid cloud environments, so investing in a backup strategy that can restore or recover by the hour (instead of by the day, for example) is imperative to these growing environments.
  9. Support Multiple Hypervisors: Multiple hypervisors are a reality in the modern enterprise. A modern backup policy should understand this and react accordingly.
  10. Inventory and Optimize: IT supervisors must understand the current status of their company's backup environment before making changes.

Read a full explanation of these tips at Enterprise Storage Forum.

Image via Can Stock Photo 

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.