Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
for service providers

Next week we will be at VMworld in Barcelona. You will be there to learn what’s new and to find out how to do your job faster, better, and cheaper.

So I thought I would help you on your quest for perfect IT. I’m not going to tell you what to do though, I will tell you what you may not want to do at VMworld Barcelona.

1. Don't sleep

There just is not enough time for that. The show floor is exciting with many vendors to speak with. The sessions are really helpful. And, by the way, Barcelona is a great city. And you can sleep when you get back home

2. Don't be afraid to speak with people 

If you are normally shy or reserved remember that no one knows this about you, so you can pretend to be outgoing and introduce yourself to people. When you see a group talking about something interesting don't be reluctant to join in. The exhibits and the written content are very interesting but you can see that material anytime. What you cannot do anytime is talk with so many people who have similar jobs and similar concerns as you do. Speaking with them and sharing stories is one of the most valuable things about VMworld. You may even make some new friends.

3. Don't be afraid to try new foods

The 'La zarzuela' is amazing as is the 'Suquet de peix', but by food, i really mean try new things. And by things I mean better ways to operate and protect your infrastructure. Don’t be afraid to learn new things!

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in the sessions

I know none of us want to feel stupid, but at VMworld San Francisco I would ask questions and get good answers. And later, people would come up to me and tell me that they were glad I asked that question. It was on their mind to, but they did not want to ask. The speakers are much better at answering questions that just standing there and speaking.

5. My last “Don’t” is a bit self-serving Don’t miss the Acronis Booth G122

And don’t fail to ask for a demo. See how easy it is to install, backup and recover virtual machines with our latest vmProtect 9. And see the future with our Acronis Backup and Recovery for vCLoud, the first complete multi-tenant, self-service backup for VMware’s cloud products. And don’t forget to ask “What’s new?” There is a surprise we will be talking about, but I am not allowed to tell you about it yet.

Don’t forget, make new friends, see new things, and stay up all night long in Barcelona!

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.