January 16, 2020  —  Acronis

The 50 Most Important IT Conferences of 2020

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
for service providers

The modern digital world is always evolving and businesses of all sizes – from start-ups to global enterprises to service providers – need to stay on the forefront of technology to compete. One of the best ways to do that is to stay connected with the IT community at conferences around the world. These events offer invaluable hands-on experiences with tech innovations, insights from experts and industry leaders, and countless opportunities to network with peers at all career stages.

Unfortunately, just as the world of business IT operations has grown in scale and sophistication, so too has the IT conference calendar. With so many events vying for your attention (and budget) it can be hard to know which IT conferences are worth your time, offering the most relevant insights and experiences for your unique business and career needs.

That’s why we took a deep dive into the 2020 IT conference calendar to find the very best conferences for IT professionals, DevOps, cybersecurity specialists, service providers, channel partners, etc. Use this guide to find the IT conferences that best fit your schedule and business needs, and be sure to follow Acronis for news about all the biggest reveals and takeaways from the next year in IT and cyber protection.

Meetup Opportunities

  • Information Technology Meetups: 1,864 groups with 826,258 members
  • IT Professionals Meetups: 1,358 groups with 651,143 members
  • DevOps Meetups: 4,824 groups with 2,611,600 members
  • System Administration Meetups: 1,811 groups with 922,666 members
  • Cybersecurity Meetups: 1,552 groups with 424,378 members
  • Computer Security Meetups: 1,697 groups with 571,881 members
  • Ethical Hacker Meetups: 668 groups with 267,772 members
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery Meetups: 44 groups with 4,226 members
  • Cloud Computing Meetups: 8,454 groups with 5,193,561 members
  • Software as a Service Meetups: 2,239 groups with 1,204,943 members

2020 IT Conference Calendar

Year-round Conferences

Q1 Conferences

Q2 Conferences

Q3 Conferences

Q4 Conferences

Year-round Conferences

Microsoft Ignite: The Tour

@MS_Ignite #MSIgnite #MSIgniteTheTour January-December 30 cities across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe-Middle East-Africa, and Latin America microsoft.com/en-us/ignite-the-tour/#cities Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel Partners Cost to attend: Free registration

Microsoft’s conference is hitting the road this year with destinations across the globe. Developer attendees can join more than 350 industry experts and guest speakers to take part in more than 100 deep-dive sessions, technical training sessions, and workshops that highlight how DevOps professionals can build solutions, migrate and manage infrastructure, and connect with industry leaders and peers from their own communities.

DevOps Days

@devopsdays #devopsdays January-December 42 cities across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe-Middle East-Africa, and Latin America devopsdays.org Who should attend: DevOps, ITOps Cost to attend: Free registration

DevOps Days is a worldwide series of technical conferences that cover software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. These non-profit events are aimed at creating, developing, and supporting regional DevOps communities everywhere around the world.

ASCII IT Success Summits

@asciigroup #ASCIISUCCESS February-October Nine cities in the United States and Canada: Long Beach, Houston, Washington DC, Chicago, Cincinnati, Toronto, Atlantic City, Boston, and Orlando devopsdays.org Who should attend: MSPs Cost to attend: Gated form directs you to event packages

ASCII IT Success Summits are business building events where managed service providers (MSPs) come together to learn best practices, network, find new revenue streams and stay current with the latest industry trends. Events are open to all managed service providers and IT providers who manage SMBs in North America. They provide attendees with access to other peer business owners and technology vendors in the channel.

Q1 Conferences

Oracle OpenWorld

@oracleopenworld #oowlon February 12-13 London, UK oracle.com/uk/openworld Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: Free registration

Oracle OpenWorld returns for another year of insights into the data-driven world. In 2020, attendees at the show will take a deep dive into modern business IT with focuses on 10 diverse topics, ranging from data management and business intelligence to AI, machine learning, blockchain, and robotics. IT professionals, sysadmins, and developers are among those who will benefit from this learning opportunity.

O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference

@OReillySACon #OReillySACon February 23-26 New York, NY, USA conferences.oreilly.com/software-architecture/sa-ny Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Bronze Pass (until January 17): $1,595 • Silver Pass (until January 17): $1,995 • Gold Pass (until January 17): $2,395

Join hundreds of developers in New York to network with and learn from industry experts as they share their knowledge of software architecture skills and technologies, with a particular focus on microservices and cloud computing – as well as emerging trends in AI, machine learning, and data analytics.

@RSAConference #RSAC February 24-28 San Francisco, CA, USA rsaconference.com Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Full Conference, Discount (until January 24): $1,995 • Full Conference, Standard (until February 21): $2,595 • Full Conference, On-site (February 22-28): $2,895 • Other discounts and rates available at rsaconference.com/usa/passes-and-rates

For almost 30 years, RSA Conference has been a driving force behind the world’s cybersecurity agenda – where people from around the world share, learn and grow. It’s even more important today to have these points of connection, as cybersecurity has become more relevant across all aspects of daily life. RSAC’s commitment is to connect attendees to the most knowledgeable people and cutting-edge content that will empower them to stay ahead of cyberthreats and advance their careers.

SANS ICS Security Summit

@SANSICS #ICSSummit March 2-9 Orlando, FL, USA sans.org/event/ics-security-summit-2020 Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Summit Pass: $1,500 • Training and certification courses are priced separately. For options and pricing, visit: sans.org/registration/register.php?conferenceid=59885

Now in its 15th year, the SANS Institute’s annual ICS Security Summit brings together practitioners and leading experts to share ideas, methods, and techniques for defending control system environments. In-depth presentations and interactive panel discussions deliver real-world approaches to make a difference for the individuals fighting this fight. Topics for 2020 include understanding what an attack against your organization will look like; live attack and defense demonstrations; case studies and success stories; future attack vectors on ICS; and more.

Channel Partners Conference and Expo

#CPEXPO March 2-9 Las Vegas, NV, USA tmt.knect365.com/channel-partners-conference-expo Who should attend: Channel partners Cost to attend: Gated form directs you to event packages

Attend one of the largest events for agents, MSPs, VARs, integrators, consultants, and service providers. You can expect to network, vet supplier solutions, and attend sessions geared toward the channel’s hottest topics, issues and opportunities while gaining new skills taught by expert presenters.

CloudFest 2020

@CloudFest #CloudFest March 14-19 Europa Park, Germany cloudfest.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Cybersecurity pros, Channel partners Cost to attend: • Standard Pass: €399 • VIP Pass: €1,199

CloudFest 2020 is the second in a three-year themed arc. While the 2019 event focused on hyperscale enablement, 2020 will focus on how AI helps IT businesses maximize the potential that hypervisor partnership offers. Specifically, CloudFest 2020 will explore how the cloud industry is preparing for the AI evolution in terms of technology, oversight, economics, and morality – and how attendees can be in the driver’s seat when it does. Themed tracks will include: cybersecurity, AI-driven uptime, sales and marketing, AI reselling, and AI and the human brain.

MSP World Reimagined 2020

#MSPWorld  March 15-17 New Orleans, LA, USA mspworldconference.com Who should attend: Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

Since its inception, MSPWorld has prided itself on its single, vendor-agnostic focus of supporting managed IT service providers and their respective ecosystems. In 2020, the conference is expected to bring together all relevant members of the IT community in a cohesive, free-flowing, educational and business development environment. If you’re interested in the MSP industry, looking for an opportunity to network, develop partnerships and alliances, evaluate new and existing technology enabling vendors, and learn how to meet the needs of the IT business consumer, this conference is one to consider.


@WEareTROOPERS #TR20 March 16-20 Heidelberg, Germany troopers.de/troopers20 Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Conference Package: €1,190 • Conference and Roundtable Package: €2,790 • All-inclusive Conference Package: €3,990 • Other packages available at tickets.ernw-insight.de/troopers/tr20/

Troopers20 consists of two days of training followed by a two-day conference that attracts IT and security experts from around the world. Topics for the 2020 conference include IoT, IPv6 security, and cybersecurity in general. Focused on finding real solutions to security issues, rather than meeting vendors and testing products, Troopers20 connects attendees with the real-deal security experts from across Europe.

Gartner Digital Workplace Summit

@Gartner_inc #GartnerDWS March 16-17 Phoeniz, AZ, USA gartner.com/en/conferences/na/digital-workplace-us Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Standard Pass: $3,275 • Public-sector Pass: $2,650 (pricing may change January 1)

The Gartner Digital Workplace Summit offers digital workplace leaders, architects, IT leadership, and application leaders an opportunity to accelerate workforce productivity and agility through emerging technologies and innovations. Join industry experts and more than 600 digital workplace leaders for two days and more than 50 research-driven sessions.

Adobe Summit

@AdobeSummit #AdobeSummit March 29 – April 2 Las Vegas, NV, USA summit.adobe.com/na Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Advanced Pricing (until February 1): $1,895 • Regular Pricing (until April 2): $2,095

At the Adobe Summit 2020, you’ll join communities of Adobe Experience Cloud, Magento, and Marketo users. In this company, IT professionals can take part in more than 400 sessions and labs across 11 content tracks, network with B2B marketing leaders from around the world, and hear from leaders in marketing automation, analytics, advertising, and commerce.

InfoSec World

#InfoSecWorld  March 30 - April 1 Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA infosecworldusa.com/2020/home Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • World Pass Attendee: $3,695.00 • Main Conference Attendee: $1,795.00 • Main Conference Attendee (Govt. Rate): $1,615.00

For more than 25 years, InfoSec World has been the “business of security” conference. To manage today’s threats, security practitioners must have the skills to be both a business partner and enabler, and have the technical expertise to prevent, detect, and respond to security challenges. InfoSec World welcomes a community of information security professionals from every market and field of study, hailing from more than 100 nations around the world.

Black Hat Asia

@BlackHatEvents #BHASIA March 31 - April 3 Singapore blackhat.com/asia-20/ Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Early-bird (until January 24): SGD1,700 • Regular (until March 27): SGD1,900 • Late (until April 3): SGD2,200

The information security community comes together for esteemed Trainings taught by industry experts, innovative research presentations at Briefings, the latest open-source tool demos in Arsenal, and the Business Hall featuring top-tier solutions and service providers.

Q2 Conferences

Google Cloud Next

@googlecloud #GoogleCloudNext April 6-8 San Francisco, CA, USA cloud.withgoogle.com/next/sf Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: $1,699 (until April 7)

Google Cloud Next offers IT professionals, developers, executives, and Google experts together for three days of networking, learning, and collaboration. Attendees will gain a behind-the-scenes look at Google Cloud technologies, use cases from industry-leading brands, and insights into tech and business trends through more than 500 immersive sessions with industry leaders.

IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2020

@PrivacyPros  April 7-8 Washington, DC, USA iapp.org/conference/global-privacy-summit Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Conference and Training Pass (Four day): $2,790 • Conference Plus+ Pass (Three day): $2,195 • Conference Pass (Two day): $1,495

With more than 4,000 attendees, 250 expert speakers, and 125 exhibitors gathering from over 55 countries, this four-day conference is an opportunity to get training, discover best practices and emerging trends, and network with thousands of privacy professionals. The 2020 event not only marks another year in privacy and data protection, but it also commemorates the IAPP’s 20th anniversary.

The Dublin Tech Summit

@DubTechSummit #DTS20 April 22-23 Dublin, Ireland dublintechsummit.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: €259

Celebrating its fourth year, the Dublin Tech Summit has quickly emerged as Europe’s fastest-growing tech conference. Attendees at the 2020 event will explore topics including emerging technologies, diversity, environment scaling, and more. Join more than 10,000 attendees and 200 speakers from more than 70 countries around the globe.

SOURCE Security Conference 2020

@SOURCEConf #srcbos April 29 - May 1 Boston, MA, USA sourceconference.com/events/boston20 Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Super Early-bird General Admission (until January 3): $199 • Early-bird - General Admission (until January 4): $349 • General Admission (until February 29): $495 • At the Door General Admission (until April 29): $595

Celebrating its fourth year, the Dublin Tech Summit has quickly emerged as Europe’s fastest-growing tech conference. Attendees at the 2020 event will explore topics including emerging technologies, diversity, environment scaling, and more. Join more than 10,000 attendees and 200 speakers from more than 70 countries around the globe.

Connect IT Global

#ConnectIT  May 4 – 7 Las Vegas, NV, USA connectit.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel partners Cost to attend: • Early-bird (until January 31): $750 • Standard Registration (January 1 – April 10): $850 • Late Registration (April 11 – May 14): $950

Connect IT brings together thousands of leading IT professionals, business owners, and industry leaders to discuss the ever-evolving march of information technology and its impact on modern business. Attend to dig into the latest trends affecting managed IT service providers and internal IT teams, and collaborate to set the course of IT management for the future. Rich with interactive sessions, in-depth training, socializing, and explorations of the latest technologies, the agenda is designed to give IT professionals a focused and efficient way to extract more value from the tools they rely on.

IBM Think 2020

@ibmlive  #think2020 May 4 – 7 San Francisco, CA, USA ibm.com/events/think Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Super Saver Rate (until February 14): $1,995 • Early-bird Rate (until April 5): $2,295 • Standard Rate (until May 7): $2,495

IBM’s annual business and technology conference returns to provide IT professionals with hands-on experience with the latest advancements in open technologies from hybrid multicloud to data and AI, all while meeting the industry leaders who use them. Connect with IT pros, sysadmins, developers, and more and design an event curriculum specifically for your business needs.

Tech Select Partner Conference

@Tech_Data #TechSelect May 5-8 Louisville, KY, USA content.techselect.techdata.com/events/upcoming-events Who should attend: Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

If you want to dive into new facets of key markets, Tech Select’s Partner Conferences are a good place to get clarity around how to leverage social media and PR to your best advantage. Attendees will discover how to strengthen their position by partnering with Tech Data’s e-business and end-user marketing experts. Plus, they’ll gain valuable insights related to TechSelect’s pillars: culture, wealth, marketing, and services.

Ingram Micro Cloud Summit 2020

#IngramMicro #CloudSummit May 12-14 Miami Beach, FL, USA cloudsummit.ingrammicrocloud.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel partners Cost to attend: • Early-bird (until January 31): $750 • Standard Registration (February 1 – April 10): $850 • Late Registration (April 11 – May 14): $950

Ingram Micro’s Cloud Summit promises to help build and expand your channel revenue dramatically by giving you access to one of the world’s most powerful cloud-buying networks. You’ll join 2,000+ cloud professionals, including the top global resellers, service providers and vendors, and hear from industry pros (that have included SAP’s CEO, VMware’s COO and Morgan Stanley’s vice chairman) and be among the first to see the latest in SaaS, IaaS, XaaS and IoT technologies in action. Attendees can expect to get go-to-market resources and cloud expertise, gaining what they need to deliver the solutions customers need today.

Digital Enterprise Show

@DES_show #DES2020 May 19-21 Madrid, Spain des-madrid.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA

The Digital Enterprise Show connects 26,000 IT professional attendees with 500 digital experts and more than 300 top tech companies. Each year, this gathering in Madrid focuses on the upcoming digital changes in the world of business and the crucial knowledge, skills, and solutions that will help to shape the future of the banking, healthcare, tourism, and public sectors.

Citrix Synergy

@citrix #citrixsynergy May 19-21 Orlando, FL, USA citrixsynergy.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • First-timers: $2,195 (until February 14), $2,195 (February 15 – May 16), $2,395 (May 17-21) • Alumni: $1,745 • Government rate: $1,445 • Group rate (five or more full conference passes, until May 15): $1,745

Citrix Synergy supports IT professionals at all stages of their careers by educating attendees about methods and technologies available to achieve greater productivity, higher employee engagement, and increased business agility. Through expert training sessions, networking with industry experts and thought leaders, and hands-on tech demos, IT pros can feel equipped with the knowledge needed to success in the modern digital world.

Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit

@Gartner_Inc #GartnerSecurity June 1-4 National Harbor, MD, USA gartner.com/en/conferences/na/security-risk-management-us Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros, DevOps Cost to attend: • Early-bird (until April 3): $3,475 • Standard: $3,825 • Public-sector Rate: $3,150 (proof of eligibility required, 2020 increase expected) • Group Rates Available: contact for details

At Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2020, find out how to shift the organizational culture to improve cybersecurity, privacy, and business resilience. You’ll learn leadership and communication skills to get business leaders on board making security and risk priorities across the entire enterprise. Get a comprehensive update on cybersecurity threats and solutions. Hear new best practices for cloud security, AI, IoT, blockchain, DevOps and other challenges.

Ignite20 USA

@PaloAltoNtwks  June 1-4 Austin, TX, USA igniteusa.paloaltonetworks.com Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros, NetOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Until January 10: $1,345 • Until March 31: $1,545 • Until June 1: $1,745

The Ignite’20 USA cybersecurity conference presents the most advanced security technology so attendees can see the benefits firsthand. With customized learning paths scaled for both beginner and advanced, this four-day event offers technical hands-on learning experiences, best practices tips, and customer deployment stories. Benefits Security Operations, Network Operations, and DevOps professionals.

InfoSecurity Europe

@Infosecurity #infosec20 June 2-4 London, UK infosecurityeurope.com Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Visitors: Free entry if registering by June 3, or £69 on-site registration fee • Leaders: By invitation only for senior information security leaders, contact for details

Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020, Infosecurity Europe is the sourcing and knowledge hub for Europe’s information and cybersecurity community. Infosecurity professionals from an array of industries attend to discover the latest threats and find solutions that will ensure their protection and compliance. Featuring an interactive exhibition floor with 400+ suppliers, a far-reaching conference program and a host of networking opportunities, the event brings information and cybersecurity to life.


@monitorama #monitorama June 8-10 Portland, OR, USA monitorama.com/2020/pdx.html Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: $700

Heralded as an “inclusive event for monitoring and observability practitioners”, Monitorama events welcome experts from the open source development and operations communities to advance the capabilities of observability software and practices. Explore new tools and techniques while hearing from industry experts and community leaders.

SRECon20 Asia Pacific


#SREcon June 15-17 Sydney, Australia usenix.org/srecon Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA

SREcon120 Asia/Pacific is a gathering of engineers who care deeply about site reliability, systems engineering, and working with complex distributed systems at scale. It aims to be inclusive, bringing together ideas representative of a diverse community, whether its members are focusing on a global scale, launching new products and ideas for a small business, or pivoting their approach to unite software and systems engineering.

O’Reilly Infrastructure and Ops Conference


#OReillyInfraOps June 15-18 Santa Clara, CA, USA conferences.oreilly.com/infrastructure-ops/io-ca Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA in February when registration opens

Organizations face with the need to transforming IT infrastructures and operations into a more effective modern model—one that’s distributed, intelligent, and predictive. The implications of AI and automation are forcing engineering teams to completely rethink their foundational systems. The O’Reilly Infrastructure and Ops Conference is designed to provide the training and tools needed to successfully manage existing legacy systems while migrating to modern and responsive, predictive, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure—without interrupting your day-to-day business.

Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations, and Cloud Strategies Conference

@Gartner_inc  June 16-17 Frankfurt, Germany gartner.com/en/conferences/emea/infrastructure-operations-cloud-germany Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Early-bird (until April 17): €2,525 + VAT • Standard Price: €2,875 + VAT • Public-sector Price: €2,200 + VAT (proof of eligibility required, increase expected Q1 2020)

The adoptions of fast-moving technologies – from cloud, edge computing and the Internet of Things, to DevOps and AIOps – are cutting across the functional roles of typical IT infrastructure and operations teams, demanding a new kind of dexterity. IT professionals who attend the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations, and Cloud Strategies Conference 2020 will learn ways to accelerate their business innovation and agility in a hybrid world, enabling a stronger digital future.

AWS re:Inforce 2020

@awscloud #reInforce June 30 - July 1 Houston, TX, USA reinforce.awsevents.com Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: TBA

AWS re:Inforce is a learning conference focused on cloud security, identity, and compliance. The event includes hundreds of technical sessions, a keynote featuring AWS security leadership, and access to cloud security experts in the Security Learning Hub (their Expo experience).

Q3 Conferences

Black Hat 2020

@BlackHatEvents #BHUSA August 1-6 Las Vegas, NV, USA blackhat.com/us-19 Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: TBA in Q1 2020

Entering its 23rd year, Black Hat USA is the world's leading information security event, providing attendees with the very latest in research, development, and trends. Black Hat USA 2020 features technical training days, followed by the main conference that involves briefings, keynotes, an open-source arsenal, business hall, and more.


@defcon #defcon August 6-9 Las Vegas, Nevada defcon.org Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: TBA

Founded in 1993, this cybersecurity event is a gathering of hackers, security researchers, journalists, government personnel, and others interested in cybersecurity, software vulnerabilities, hardware modification, and anything that can be "hacked". The event consists of several speaker tracks, as well as cybersecurity challenges and competitions.

VMworld 2020

@VMworld #VMworld August 30 – September 3 San Francisco, CA, USA vmworld.com/en/us/index.html Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA

VMware’s annual VMworld conference returns in 2020 with six distinct learning tracks: hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, modern apps, networking security, digital workspace, and emerging trends. Join IT professionals from around the world to learn how the business world will evolve in response to these developing technologies.

IFA 2020

@IFA_Berlin #IFA20 September 4-9 Berlin, Germany b2b.ifa-berlin.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA

IFA in Berlin presents the latest products and innovations in the heart of Europe, offering a comprehensive overview of the international market and attracting the attention of visitors from more than 130 countries.

SpiceWorks SpiceWorld 2020

#SpiceWorldATX  September 15-17 Austin, TX, USA spiceworks.com/spiceworld Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel partners Cost to attend: Gated form directs you to event packages

For 12 years SpiceWorld has brought together thousands of IT pros and hundreds of tech brands to build connections, enhance learning and help each other tackle the every day. This three-day event features how-to sessions, peer networking, and tangible interaction with the latest IT products and solutions.

Global Security Exchange (GSX)

@ASIS_Intl #GlobalSecurityExchange #GSXConference September 21-23 Atlanta, GA, USA gsx.org Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: TBA in Q2 2020

GSX brings together security professionals from all vertical markets throughout the world to network, learn, and re-invest in the industry. It features a full curriculum of quality content in an immersive and interactive learning environment, offering insights and best practices to security professionals at every stage in their career. Explore 300+ expert-led sessions, each designed to deliver valuable, actionable takeaways to help shape security strategies—today and in the future.

IT Arena

@LvivITArena  September 25-27 Lviv, Ukraine itarena.ua Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

IT Arena is a tech event with a global outlook and scale. Productive networking, business matchmaking, and a festive spirit are IT Arena trademarks. Three intensive conference days catalyze exponential growth and inspire new solutions and business ideas. IT Arena expands the limits, uniting global tech in Ukraine.

DRJ Fall 2020

@drjournal #DRJfall September 28 – October 1 Phoenix, AZ, USA drj.com/fall2020 Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Standard Registration: $1,295 • Certified Individual Registration: $1,165.50

The Disaster Recovery Journal’s biannual conference in 2020 is focused on building the future of IT resiliency. IT professionals at the event will discover techniques and technologies that help reduce downtime, increase workplace safety, secure data, reduce overall risk, and facilitate skill development.

Channel Partners Evolution

@Channel_Online #CPEvolution September 29 – October 2 Orlando, FL, USA channelpartnersevolution.com Who should attend: Channel Partners Cost to attend: TBD

Billed as a channel event for forward-thinking MSPs, VARs, agents, integrators, and consultants, Channel Partners Evolution is a three-day event that focuses on the industry’s hottest topics. In 2019, these included 5G, business strategies, careers, innovative technology, marketing, security, and Wi-Fi 6. Multiple programs, receptions, and an awards show create plenty of networking opportunities.

DRJ Fall 2020

@drjournal #DRJfall September 28 – October 1 Phoenix, AZ, USA drj.com/fall2020 Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: • Standard Registration: $1,295 • Certified Individual Registration: $1,165.50

The Disaster Recovery Journal’s biannual conference in 2020 is focused on building the future of IT resiliency. IT professionals at the event will discover techniques and technologies that help reduce downtime, increase workplace safety, secure data, reduce overall risk, and facilitate skill development.

Channel Partners Evolution

@Channel_Online #CPEvolution September 29 – October 2 Orlando, FL, USA channelpartnersevolution.com Who should attend: Channel Partners Cost to attend:TBD

Billed as a channel event for forward-thinking MSPs, VARs, agents, integrators, and consultants, Channel Partners Evolution is a three-day event that focuses on the industry’s hottest topics. In 2019, these included 5G, business strategies, careers, innovative technology, marketing, security, and Wi-Fi 6. Multiple programs, receptions, and an awards show create plenty of networking opportunities.

Digital Transformation Expo Europe

@DTXseries #DTXEurope September 30 - October 1 London, UK ITOps, DevOps, Cybersecurity pros Who should attend: Channel Partners Cost to attend: Not available: Contact the organizers for registration fees

One of the best events for cloud, infrastructure and cybersecurity pros in Europe. While the 2020 show is still in the planning stages, the 2019 event addressed the latest in data analytics, AI, software development, IOT and blockchain. In addition to insightful speakers, attendees enjoy technology demos, case studies, and training courses.

Q4 Conferences

Hosting & Cloud Transformation Summit

@451Research #HCTS October 5-7, 2020 Las Vegas, NV, USA 451research-hcts.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

To address the imminent broader production phase of cloud deployment – and the business benefits that will expand beyond cost-savings and agility – the 2020 Hosting & Cloud Transformation Summit (HCTS) will dive deep into how to attendees can facilitate “better, faster, more valuable” outcomes using cloud technologies. Specifically, participants can expect to explore how DevOps and cloud-native techniques will drive more secure, stable and scalable infrastructure. Trademark analyst and executive sessions are still being planned but can be expected to frame the three-day program, with numerous networking opportunities to foster critical relationships in addition.

Tech Select Partner Conference

#TechSelect @Tech_Data October 6-9 Phoenix, AZ, USA content.techselect.techdata.com/events/upcoming-events Who should attend: Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

Tech Select’s Fall Partner Conference offers clarity for leveraging social media and PR to your best advantage. As always, attendees will learn how to strengthen their position by partnering with Tech Data’s e-business and end-user marketing experts. Plus, they’ll gain valuable insights related to TechSelect’s pillars: culture, wealth, marketing, and services.

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2020

@Gartner_SYM #GartnerSYM October 18-22 Orlando, FL, USA gartner.com/en/conferences/na/symposium-us Who should attend: Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: • Standard Conference Fee: $6,425 • Public-Sector Rate: $4,600 (proof of eligibility required, increase expected Q1 2020) • Group Rates Available: contact for details

IT Symposium/Xpo is the place to hone leadership skills, refine strategies, and find the innovative technologies that will help to power digital transformation. Attendees can explore the strategic trends and technologies that are shaping the future of IT and business. Thousands of CIOs and IT executives will discuss key topics including data and analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, culture, customer experience, cybersecurity and more.

Acronis Global Cyber Summit 2020

@Acronis #AcronisCyberSummit October 19-22 Miami, FL, USA acronis.events/summit2020 Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Cybersecurity pros, Channel partners Cost to attend: TBA

The Acronis Global Cyber Summit is bringing together the world’s largest community of cyber protection professionals for a two-and-a-half-day global conference committed to the improved protection of critical data assets and systems. Featuring business and thought leaders from around the world, it is the must-attend event for managed IT service providers, IT infrastructure managers, CIOs, ISVs, and developers. Attendees will learn the latest about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud services can help protect against loss and security breaches.

IT Nation Connect

@ConnectWise #itnationconnect November 11-13 Orlando, FL, USA connectwise.com/theitnation/connect-na Who should attend: Channel partners Cost to attend: • Starts at: $750 • Group Rates Available: contact for details

IT Nation Connect is for companies that sell, support, and service technology. Over 125 in-depth breakout sessions provide updates on the latest industry trends, while business-boosting keynotes offer valuable, actionable advice, and over 100 exhibitors showcase the tools they offer to help organizations succeed. IT Nation Connect is designed to help businesses work on their business – not just within it – to advance.


@devops_con #DevOpsCon November 30 – December 3 Munich, Germany devopscon.io/munich Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps Cost to attend: TBA

DevOpsCon gathers IT professionals – with a particular focus on DevOps professionals – to share the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies for building and maintaining secure, scalable, and resilient software systems. Join this year’s conference to learn how you can maximize your organization’s productivity and push your skills to the next level.

AWS re:Invent

@awscloud #reInvent November 30 - December 4 Las Vegas, NV, USA reinvent.awsevents.com Who should attend: ITOps, DevOps, Cybersecurity pros Cost to attend: TBA

Amazon’s re:Invent event gives AWS developers and customers a chance to discuss new products and features, and explore how different tools can be leveraged for cloud, IT, and cybersecurity needs. Featuring keynotes, training sessions, certification opportunities, and networking activities, the user conference is ideal for AWS customers, developers and engineers, system administrators, and systems architects.

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.