March 12, 2024  —  Acronis

Dark Web Identity Protection - Full Guide

Table of contents
What is the dark web?
What are the potential identity theft threats in the dark web?
How to protect against dark web identity theft
The rising threat of identity theft
The role of dark web identity monitoring
Acronis True Image: A complete solution for dark web identity protection
Assessing the features
Setting up dark web monitoring
Acronis True Image
formerly Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office

This comprehensive guide explores the depths of the dark web, shedding light on its hidden facets and the potential risks associated with the misuse of your identity information. At the end, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to safeguard and maintain the security of your identity.

 We will cover everything from:

1.    What is the dark web?

2.    What are the potential identity theft threats?

3.    What makes safeguarding your identity from being exposed to the dark web so crucial?

4.    How to set up dark web monitoring to respond to alerts and recover from identity theft.

5.    Why it’s important to conduct regular scanning and application updates, maintain identity protection, and utilize the convenience of Acronis Cyber

Protect Home Office.

So, let’s get started!

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and can only be accessed with special software. It is used by people around the world for various often malicious activities, including anonymous communication, buying and selling illegal goods, accessing restricted content, and more.

The anonymity offered by the dark web makes it attractive to malicious actors who use it to carry out criminal activities such as identity theft and fraud. Criminals can steal personal data such as credit card numbers, passwords, and Social Security numbers without being detected or traced. This type of activity can be extremely damaging to both individuals and businesses alike.

What are the potential identity theft threats in the dark web?

1.     Identity theft: Your personal information could be used to impersonate you, open credit accounts, make purchases, or commit other fraudulent activities in your name. This could damage your credit score and financial stability.

2.     Financial loss: Hackers might use your financial information (credit card numbers, bank account details) to drain your accounts or make unauthorized transactions, leading to significant financial losses.

3.     Privacy violation: Sensitive personal data, such as private messages, photos or videos could be exposed, leading to embarrassment, harassment, or blackmail.

4.     Reputational damage: If your personal or sensitive information becomes public, it could tarnish your reputation, affecting personal and professional relationships.

5.     Security threats: Data breaches might compromise more than just personal information. If passwords, security questions or access to sensitive accounts are exposed, it could result in ongoing security threats or hacking attempts against other services you use.

How to protect against dark web identity theft

In an era where our lives are increasingly interconnected through the digital realm, safeguarding your online identity is of paramount importance. Cyberthreats and risks to personal information are ever present, making it crucial for individuals to stay informed and take proactive measures to protect their online Identity. Here are some of the most crucial measures everyone should take:

1.     Strong password practices: Create unique, complex passwords for each online account and update them regularly. Consider using a reputable password manager for added convenience and security.

2.     Two-factor authentication (2FA)Enable 2FA wherever possible to add an extra layer of protection to your accounts. This often involves receiving a code on your mobile device in addition to entering your password.

3.     Be wary of phishing attempts: Exercise caution when clicking on links or providing personal information online. Phishing emails and websites often mimic legitimate sources, so verify the authenticity of requests before responding.

4.     Regularly update software and devices: Keep your operating systems, antivirus programs and applications up to date. Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities.

5.     Review privacy settings: Regularly review and adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts and other online platforms. Limit the amount of personal information shared publicly.

6.     Employ specialized solutions to keep track of identity theft incidents: There are specialized services designed to offer protection for users on the dark web, such as Acronis True Image. These solutions offer comprehensive protection from a variety of cyberthreats, enabling users to enjoy the digital world.

The rising threat of identity theft

Did you know that almost 33% of Americans became victims of identity theft in 2022. This means that every three out of 10 people are at risk of having their personal information compromised, which can lead to potential financial loss, damaged credit scores, fraudulent income tax filings and many other horrifying personal and financial consequences.

With the rise of digital currencies such as bitcoin, criminals have more ways than ever to anonymously purchase stolen identities without being tracked. Moreover, because the dark web is not indexed by search engines, it can be difficult for individuals to detect if their information has been compromised or sold on the dark web.

Identity theft on the dark web can have devastating consequences for individuals and businesses alike. In one recent case, hackers used stolen information from an employee’s LinkedIn profile to access confidential company data and demand a ransom payment in bitcoin. In another case, fraudsters used stolen credit card information from unsuspecting victims to purchase thousands of dollars’ worth of goods online. These examples demonstrate how quickly identity theft on the dark web can result in serious financial losses and reputational damage.

It is therefore essential that individuals remain vigilant when sharing information online. Implementing best practices such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, utilizing VPNs, regularly monitoring accounts for unusual activity, and keeping antivirus software up to date are all imperative actions one should adopt to safeguard oneself from identity theft on the dark web. Additionally, there are various services available which offer real-time monitoring of personal information on the dark web so that any compromised data can be detected immediately before it is used maliciously against individuals or businesses.

The role of dark web identity monitoring

The best way to save oneself against identity theft and misuse is to take proactive measures rather than reactive ones. In the realm of dark web there are several tools to help you in just that. Dark web monitoring is one such tool that plays a crucial role in your battle against threats from the dark web. Dark web monitoring, as its name suggests, refers to services that monitor the dark web for stolen information, such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and other sensitive data. They employ advanced algorithms to search for users’ compromised information and alert them in real time about potential threats.

Real-time alerts to users about the exposure of their personal data to the dark web enables them to take immediate action and prevent further damage or fraud from occurring. Additionally, many of these services also offer automated response capabilities which can help mitigate any losses caused by malicious actors.

Once alerted it is imperative for the victims to take prompt steps to secure their compromised accounts and initiate corrective measures to mitigate potential damage and prevent further unauthorized access. Corrective measures may include changing passwords or alerting law enforcement authorities, depending on the type of sensitive data leaked. With cybercrime becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is more important than ever to take preventative action against potential threats on the dark web.

Acronis True Image: A complete solution for dark web identity protection

Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office offers a wide range of features such as secure backup, anti-malware protection and Identity Protection.

The secure backup feature protects user from potential data loss by providing a variety of options to create and store copies of your data, including image and file backups to external drives and Acronis Cloud. The backups can be protected using military-grade encryption and accessed from anywhere, even from users’ mobile phones. The product also hosts several features to protect users from ransomware and other malware such as real-time protection, antivirus scan and URL filtering. Finally, The Identity Protection feature aims to provide users with reliable protection from identity theft on the dark web. It offers a wide range of features, including dark web monitoring, which continuously scans the dark web for stolen information and sends real-time alerts to users when suspicious activity is detected.

The Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office dashboard gives users clear visibility into their data security status across all devices. This enables them to see any potential threats in real time and take preventative action quickly.

Acronis True Image is designed for individuals who want comprehensive online cyber protection. Its powerful suite of features makes it an ideal solution for those seeking a robust security solution that can be easily used and managed.

Assessing the features

When choosing Identity Protection software there are several key considerations to be made. Think about the features a given solution is capable of:

1.     Real-time monitoring: Real time monitoring of the dark web to detect exposed sensitive data is the most crucial feature any identity protection software must provide. It enables users to be warned about impending threat to their online identity and take corrective measures promptly.

2.     Data being monitored: The monitoring system cannot be efficient if it is not able to monitor a wide variety of sensitive data. The Identity Protection solution should be capable of detecting data including but not limited to:

a.     Essentials like national ID numbers, passports, driver's licenses, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and other credentials.

b.     Financial information about credit cards and bank accounts.

c.     Insurance documents, like health and vehicle insurance.

3.     Alerting system: Monitoring and detection is only as effective as a solution’s alerting system. Once the identity protection software detects data exposed on the dark web, it should be able to alert the user in a way that is convenient to them. This could be via emails, text messages, in-app alerts and / or a security dashboard.

4.     Assistance in case of identity theft: In case identity theft has already taken place, the service provider should be able to help mitigate the issue. This may include sharing next steps to secure the attacked account, help in alerting law enforcement authorities, and so on.

5.     Identity fraud reimbursement: Some service providers may offer to insure the user against identity loss. One must carefully review the coverage offered by the insurance.

6.     Anti-malware features: Besides the above capabilities that protect users by informing them of leaked sensitive information on the dark web, it is recommended to have an added layer of security to prevent identity / data leakage. Robust real-time malware protection, scheduled antivirus scans and web filtering can alert users of malware that is trying to snoop around for users’ information — both on their personal machines and the internet.

7.     Encrypted data storage: A safe way to store sensitive data is to use a secure archiving solution. One must pay attention to the encryption mechanism a given archiving solution uses; for example, Acronis True Image encrypts their archives and backups using military grade AES-256 encryption.

8.     Cost effectiveness: And finally, one must consider value for money. Using integrated solutions is often cost effective and easy to manage, rather than setting up different solutions for each type of threat. Acronis True Image is one such solution that effectively protects you against data loss, ransomware attacks, malware attacks, malicious websites, outdated software with security loopholes and identity theft via the dark web.

Setting up dark web monitoring

Setting up dark web monitoring is an important step in protecting your identity online. Last year alone, the FBI reported a staggering $10.3 billion lost to digital crime. It is essential to ensure that your personal data remains safe and secure. Once you have identified a suitable service provider and created an account with them, it is time to configure the settings of dark web monitoring service. This generally involves selecting what type of data you would like to be monitored, for example, credit card or social security numbers. You also may be able to specify other parameters such as frequency or location of scans. It’s important to make sure these settings are configured to suit your online habits. Customizing monitoring parameters enables the service to optimally and effectively protect your data. The good thing is, if you are using Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office, Identity Protection is included for free with all the Advanced and Premium subscriptions in the US. This is how you can activate the Identity Protection feature.

To configure Identity Protection for the first time:

1.     In the left sidebar of Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office, click Protection.

2.     Under Identity Protection, click Manage protection. Online Dashboard opens in the browser.

3.     Sign into Online Dashboard.

4.     In the Enter your identity data window, fill in the fields. Once you've entered the data, we start running regular checks of its safety.

5.     The Identity Protection dashboard opens in your browser.

For more information on how to activate it see this knowledge base article

Acronis True Image
For Home Office

Upgrade Your Cyber Protection - Get Identity Protection Today!

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.