September 03, 2013 — 3 min read
Simple Backup for Busy People
Storage can be an embarrassment of riches these days. You take pictures and have them stored on Picasa or Flickr or Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. You have Powerpoints spread across Skydrive and Google Docs and Dropbox and Slideshare. Then you have your resume on LinkedIn and maybe Monster or Dice. And you have all sorts of web pages stored on Evernote and Dropbox and probably a bunch of them in your mail. And you may have scanned a number of important papers, passports, credit card numbers, and have them tucked away in a few places too. And my tunes, I may be able to reload some of them, but I have a large collection of tunes I would hate to lose. Oh, movies too. And originals of some youtubes I have uploaded. I have a lot of stuff now that I think of it. Oh, my financial records and tax documents. And health records. I really have a lot of documents these days.