We are thrilled to have some of the IT channel’s leading technology providers supporting and sponsoring our Acronis #CyberFit Summit in Miami next month. The support of these sponsors is essential to providing the best service provider event of the year. Through our superstar keynotes, expert panels and hands-on workshops, attendees will grasp deeper insights into the threat landscape, learn new business-building tips and discover a path toward accelerating growth while securing customer loyalty.
One of these sponsoring organizations we’re highlighting is Galactic Advisors, whose third-party analysis helps organizations secure data, eliminate vulnerabilities, track fixes and avoid common mistakes.
Ahead of the Miami Summit, we connected with Jennifer Pierce, Security Advisor and Partner Success Manager at Galactic Advisors, to learn how they work with MSPs and how the Acronis #CyberFit Summit helps them connect to customers.
Describe your business in three sentences or less, like an elevator pitch.
Galactic Advisors helps MSPs reduce the risk for themselves and clients with monthly coaching calls and technical security training to make their team more effective. Our Third-Party Cybersecurity Audit analyzes MSP environments with our penetration tests to improve their security posture and enables them to use our pen tests for their current clients and prospects, helping to show them their business risks to sell them their advanced security stack.
What is one unique attribute of your company that differentiates you from your competitors?
We provide extensive support through our sales process, security tech ops meetings, coaching calls for owners, marketing and sales support and a security advisor team. You are never alone throughout your security journey.
This year, several new topics and workshops are on the agenda at the Acronis #CyberFit Summit. Which ones are you looking forward to the most?
Winning with Innovation
Are you featuring a technology or innovation during your time at the Acronis #CyberFit Summit? If so, what is it, and can you provide a link to a web page?
During this event, MSPs will have the opportunity to experience Our Third-Party Security Audit and see what would happen if anyone in their organization clicked a phishing email. The follow-up readout session demonstrates how to effectively educate clients on the risks that exist and what can happen if those risks are left unchecked. In addition, MSPs will receive a great preview of the training, tools, frameworks and sales training they need to be successful. https://www.galacticscan.com/stack/
How can clients benefit from your services/products?
Our services provide a full penetration test and external vulnerability scan. MSPs can use this to expand their security footprint inside their current clients while also picking up new clients in a unique, highly successful way.
Women in Tech is a hot topic again at this year’s Summit. So how does your company embrace diversity in the workplace?
Galactic Advisors hires the best person for a job no matter what sex, race, color or nationality. We look at each potential new member and what they can bring to the table. We are careful to avoid hiring “cookie cutter” employees, which naturally brings diversity and more creative ideas to our team.
What significant changes to the cybersecurity industry do you see over the next 12 to 18 months?
The 2022 Gartner Research shows that “by 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as a significant determinant in conducting business engagements.” What business can afford to lose 60% of its opportunities? Another game changer: the average ransom payment in 2020 was $300,000, but in the first six months of 2022, the average ransom payment was over $900,000! In the past, some have considered cybersecurity a luxury; but in our quickly approaching future, it is becoming a necessity.
Do you have any business advice the MSPs attending the Summit can put to work immediately upon returning to the office?
ALWAYS use an assessment before having a security conversation. I know, based on what we do, it seems self-serving. However, when you want to talk security, people are no longer listening to hype and fearmongering. Management teams are listening to cold hard facts that are relevant to them and can be proven to have an impact on THEIR organization. An assessment allows the MSP to educate clients and prospects on the risks that exist, how those risks can impact their business and how the MSP can help the business owner solve a REAL problem and not a theoretical one.
About Acronis
A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.