Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
for service providers

The closer we get to the end of March, the more you’re going to hear about World Backup Day. Falling on the last day of the month, March 31, World Backup Day raises awareness and educates tech users about computer backup and data protection. We hope to continue this education and awareness building by hosting a Twitter Party to prepare more people for what lies ahead when it comes to the future of their data.

A group of media influencers are helping us host this party. They are moms and dads with kids playing and coffee spilling and memories being made every second of every day. They understand the value of protecting these precious family memories — old family photos, home videos, silly Facebook posts -- and are dedicated to keeping them safe. Thank you, Michael Kaufman, Colleen Padilla, Adam Cohen, Ted Hicks, Mitchel Chaitin and Chris Lewis, for joining our Twitter Party and helping to shed light on this conversation around data protection and computer backup. With your help, we hope to keep other peoples’ memories safe too.

From a single Reddit thread in 2011, World Backup Day was born.  A question was posed to the Reddit community, asking users to share their favorite backup and restoral methods—and the answers came flooding in, making World Backup Day more and more of a reality. Six years later, World Backup Day has become a holiday celebrated around the world. And thanks to it, more and more people have realized the importance of data protection.

But why did this group of dedicated data protectors choose March 31? The answer is actually quite simple — because it falls the day before April Fool’s Day — a holiday known for an increase in cyber attacks and hacking attempts.

At Acronis, we’re especially passionate about this holiday, and we’re sure you can understand why.

We specialize in computer backup—and for those who don’t know, computer backup is simply the process of creating a copy of your data. This data can consist of photos, videos, system preferences, even operating systems. Acronis can help you create backups for all of this data, which is vital in the case of disaster, like a hard-drive crash, a spilled beverage, a malware attack, or an unattended toddler.

And while you might think that you’re prepared—because you don’t click on sketchy links and you keep your laptop safely stowed away from any grabby hands— data loss is more common than you could imagine.

We recently conducted a survey on the topic of data loss, and the results are eye-opening.

34.4 percent of users polled had experienced data loss that affected important files. About 27 percent of those polled didn’t have any backup strategy in place to protect data in the event of loss. This means that more than a quarter of the population goes about their days unprotected and seemingly unaware of the threats that are lurking beyond their computer screens.

That’s why World Backup Day is so important to us here at Acronis: we care about your data, because you care about your data. Backing up computers, mobile devices, and even social media accounts is a concept that still sounds foreign to many users—and yet it’s the only thing that can save them if a cyber criminal decides to make them their next target, or if their dog decides it’s time to take their laptop with them on a swim.

World Backup Day Twitter Party

This year, we’re celebrating World Backup Day with a Twitter Party. On Thursday, March 30th at 9 PM EDT, the Acronis team will take to Twitter along with a group of other bloggers who care about data protection and keeping digital memories safe, to educate and inspire.

During this hour-long party, Acronis and hosts will ask questions about computer backup, data protection and ransomware. It’s a great chance to learn things you never knew before, and get educated on what it takes to be safe in this world of ever-evolving cyber threats.

Those who participate in the party have a chance at winning a host of exciting prizes! All you have to do to get a chance at winning is follow Acronis on Twitter, tweet using the hashtags #AcronisWBD and #WorldBackupDay, and join the party live.

Don’t be an April fool — join us in celebrating World Backup Day!

Find our Twitter party hosts below:







Acronis Backup Solutions

About Acronis

A Swiss company founded in Singapore in 2003, Acronis has 15 offices worldwide and employees in 50+ countries. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is available in 26 languages in 150 countries and is used by over 20,000 service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.